Chapter 52

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Amara- now
Christmas faded in quick.

It's been 2 months since I asked Gio for a divorce. I haven't seen much of him but I take comfort knowing that he's never far, I know he watches over the house in the night.

"Miss Ricci." Our maid comes into Gio's office.

"Hm?" I ask looking up from the computer on Gio's desk. I'm breaking into his calender to see where he is right now, I need to talk to him.

"The Christmas decorations are up." She tells me.

It's Christmas in three days and I haven't put up a single decoration. I normally would, I love celebrating Christmas with just Gio but now he's gone I haven't had it in my heart to decorate.

"Thank you." I smile at her before turning back to Gio's computer.

Looks like he has a last minute meeting in his office, so that's where I'll catch him.

I head out of Gio's office and upstairs to top up my makeup, ringing Dom whilst I do so.

"Mrs Moretti." He's the only one that refuses to call me Miss Ricci, thinks we're getting a divorce for all the wrong reasons a me until I give him a real reason, my married name it is.

"I'm leaving in about ten minutes to head to Gio's office, can you have the car ready?" I ask.

"Sure thing." He ends the call.

Once I make sure my makeup and dress look good, I head out to meet Dom.

"When they told me my wife was here, I thought it was Matteo playing some sick joke." Gio say's waltzing into his office.

I'm sat in his chair, reading through our divorce file that's been sat here collecting dust. It's exactly the same it has been since I gave it to him.

"Not Matteo." I say looking for Gio's signature "Although, I have been told we look alike." I add.

"Matteo is no where near as beautiful as you are." He says coming over to his desk.

He takes his stance, on the same side of the desk I'm on, except he's leaning on it with his arms crossed looking at me.

"You haven't signed this." I tell him putting it down on his desk.

"I've been busy." He lies.

"Why are you dragging this out?" I ask, looking up at him.

"Why are you wasting our time together on this?" He asks.

I shake my head.

We've been having this argument for months, I don't have the energy to have it anymore.

I don't say anything and so thankfully he changes the subject.

"What can I do for you?" He asks, glancing from my heels to the top of my head.

"My parents are coming into town, they're spending Christmas with us?" I tell him. I hope he sees where I'm going with this so I don't have to spell it out for him.

"I thought you blocked them?" He asks.

"I did. Matteo told me they're still coming." I tell him.

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