Chapter 13

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Amara- then
"Hey. Amara wake up." Matteo repeats whilst shaking me.

I sit up push myself up against the headboard of the bed.

"What is it?" I ask looking around the room. It's the guest room at the Ricci-Moretti house. It's actually a pretty cute room, no complaints from me.

"Move to New York with me." He says. What? It's too early for this. We sit in silence for a few minutes before I actually look at him to check if he's being serious. I think if he jokes about this I'll die. No exaggeration.

"I can't move to New York with you." I say and he nods.

"You can." He says and I just groan.

"I'm so tired." I tell him.

"Say you'll move with me. It'll get you away from our parents and away from here. You can have a fresh start." Tempting. Very tempting.

He needs this though. I don't.

I want him to have a fresh start with all the nagging.

"How's it going?" Gio asks peaking his head into the bedroom door.

"I'm curious too." Jax says pushing Gio into the room and closing the door.

This is insane.

"I'm not moving to New York." I say before lying down and pulling the comforter up to my neck so I can try to go back to sleep.

"She is." Matteo says and I just roll my eyes.

"There's no way I just stuck my neck on the line, arguing with Enzo just for you to tell me no. You're coming with." Matteo tells me.

"I'm not." I yawn.

"Amara." He whines.

"What?" I groan.

I just want to go to bed. It's been a stupidly long day and I'm exhausted and now I can't even go to sleep.

Matteo pulls me up so I'm back sat up and just keeps me sat up.

"Come to New York." Matteo says again for the millionth time.

"No." I say simply.

"Why?" He groans.

"Because!" I snap. I just want to go to sleep. Is that too much to ask? "You need to go and experience things without me. I don't want to keep bringing you down so for once in your life be selfish and do this for you and not for me. Just go. I swear to god I won't be angry if you leave I just need you to go and I need to stay." I tell him.


I look around the room and Jax is looking up at the tiles on the ceiling. Gio is looking at me and so is Matteo

"That's not the point. I want you to come with us. You need to get out of here more than anyone. Please just come to New York, I'm giving you an out." Matteo pleads.

"I don't think I should. I'm sorry." I squeeze his hand.

"You have to come to New York. How else are we going to go on a date?" Gio asks and everyone turns in his direction.

"You're such an idiot." Jax says the same time Matteo says, "you like my sister?" The same time I say, "we're not going on a date."

"Oh come on." Gio moves closer to my bed.

"We'd have fun and if we don't you can throw your food at me." He says and I just scoff before turning back to Matteo who's glaring at Gio.

"You better be joking." Matteo tells him.

"I'm not. I like her, she's really pretty and is very cool." Gio tells Matteo.

"Get the fuck out of here." Matteo tells him.

Before Gio can say anything Matteo stands and turns in his direction.

"I thought you were being kind by helping me with her, you've been scheming this whole time!" Matteo says in disgust.

It's not like he actually likes me, but I am the only person who can get him hard.

"Well... yeah." Gio nods.

For fuck sake he's not helping anyone.

"Jax get him out of here before I throw him to New York." Matteo bites. This isn't that big of a deal. Really it's not.

"Are you not going to ask her how she feels?" Gio asks as Jax puts a hand on his shoulder to usher him out of his room.

"Please dear god tell me you do not like Gio." Matteo tells me and I just shrug. "He's alright I guess. A little annoying." I admit.

"Uh! What?" Gio asks as Jax just laughs and pushes him out of my room.

Once they've both left Gio shivers.

"Have you slept with him?" Matteo asks. Lie!

The thing is with Matteo is that he knows I'm sexually active, it's not a secret. He's caught me many times and on top of that he's not stupid.

"No." I lie to protect Gio.

"Okay. Okay good." He takes a breath of relief.

"Please please just come to New York." He begs.

"I don't want to be a pain or annoying." I tell him.

"You won't." He nods at me.

He really wants me to go. Like he desperately wants me to go. I can just go and see if I like it. If I don't then I can figure something out.

I can get away from my parents for the first time ever I can get out.

I just don't wanna put all of this on him.

"If you don't want me there you can tell me at anytime and I'll leave. I promise." I tell him and a smile stretched across his face.

"So you'll come?" That's what she said.

"Yes." I say and he hugs me.

"Okay okay. Go back to sleep. I'll talk to you in the morning. I'm so happy right now." He ruffles my hair before leaving me alone in this room.

Once he's gone I lie back down and curl up into a ball. I pull the comforter up to my chin and think of all the things that could happen. All the hope.

For the first time in a very very long time I have hope. I'm going to get out and it will get better.

The Harsh lifeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें