Chapter 24

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Amara- Now

"Do we have to go?" I pout looking up at Gio.

"I wish we didn't have to." He kisses me.

"Then let's stay." I smile so widely I think I may have broke my face.

"Mon coeur, I've got work. They need me over there." He kisses me again.

I pull away from him and he just smoothes my hair.

"We'll be okay over there." He promises me. It's like he can read my mind.

It's not that I don't want to go home, I don't, but I'm scared of how we'll become when we go back to real life.

Gio doesn't let go of my hand, he leads me out of the apartment, someone else taking out luggage.

Once we're in my car, Gio lets me drive to the airport. I don't often get to drive anywhere.

Gio has his hand on my thigh the whole time which is slightly distracting.

I speed to the airport, a car following us all the way there. It's nothing to worry about it's just one of our French chauffeurs, he also happened to be the guy who grabbed our luggage.

I drive into the tarmac and kiss Gio's cheek, then kiss the steering wheel. I love this car.

"Adieu, le paradis sur terre."

I climb out of my car and head over to the plane.

I greet them in French as I head up the plane. They aren't French, they are out flight crew who are American.

Once I'm sat in my seat it take Gio, five minutes to sit down beside me.

Once we're debriefed and after take off I move into his lap and stay there.

He's the love of my life.

"Home." Gio says as he steps off of the plane, I'm behind him and slightly more reluctant.

I close my eyes and tilt my head upwards as though I'm praying.

Please let us stay as though we are now.

"You ready?" Gio asks.

I nod and slip my hand back into his and make the way over to his Jeep.

His eyes light up when he sees it. He's had this Jeep for years. I think he brought it when he was 21, he loves it so much.

He walks me over to the passenger seat and helps me in. He watches as I put my seatbelt on then kisses my forehead.

He closes the door and then heads over to talk to my security guard Dom and one of the flight workers who's unloading our luggage.

Dom heads over to me first and knocks on the window.

"Hi Dom, been up to much?" I ask unwinding my car window.

"I've been with my daughter." His daughter is so unbelievably cute, I've met her a few times and she's so sweet. Dom doesn't like to put her in harms away, by keeping her around me.

"How is she?" I ask smiling up at him.

"Bossy." He says and I smile.

"You should bring her to the house sometime." I tell him.

"Sure." He gives me a singular nod. He probably won't, he's just being polite.

"How was your holiday?" He asks.

"Well needed." I take a breath of relief.

He gives me a singular nod again.

"How we feeling about security? Everything safe here?" I ask trying to keep the conversation going , I'd rather not be in my own head right now.

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