Chapter 9

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Amara- then
That's no way to talk your fiancé.






"No!" I scream pushing my mom off of me. This isn't happening.

My father stands and comes to my mom's side.

"Amara." He warns taking a step towards me.

Before I can say anything Matteo steps in front of me.

"Cosa ti ho detto? Non devi toccarla e non devi stabilire alcun patto per farla sposare." Matteo tells my father.

"Lei è mia figlia!" No. Stop.

"No." Matteo looks between my father, my mother and the two guys.

"Mi avevi promesso che potevo andarmene e non le avresti fatto del male." Wait hold on a second. Leave? Where's he going?

"Uh you stay back." Matteo points at Santino.

Oh god. I wanna die. This is not happening.

"I've got her a present." He says turning to the guy he's with. The guy opens his suit pocket and pulls out a box. He hands it to Santino.

Santino gets down on one knee in front of me and opens the box. It's a big diamond. Wow. It's so pretty.

"No." Matteo slams the box shut and throws it across the room.

"Get off your fucking knees and get out of this house. Now." He warns keeping me behind him.

"We will get married, Matteo." Santino tells him.

"Over my dead body." Matteo spits.

"That can be arranged." Santino pulls out a gun. I scream and hold Matteo tightly. Fuck.

"Okay okay." Gio says and we turn to look at him. He now has his gun out and is pointing it Santino.

"I think we all need to calm down." Gio steps beside Matteo.

"Who the fuck are you?" Santino asks.

"Family friend." Gio shrugs.

"This is more of a family thing, you should leave Gio." My father says and my mom nods in agreement.

"No." Gio says and Matteo smiles at him.

"I will marry Amara. There is nothing you can do about it." Santino says gripping his gun and hovering over the trigger.

Okay no.

I would so much die then Matteo would. He has something to live for.

I step out in front of Matteo and he grips me and tries to pull me back.

"Don't shoot my brother." I plead and he looks down at me.

"Tell your friend to put the gun down." He says and I turn back to Gio.

"Put the gun down." I tell him and he looks at me like he's crazy.

"It's okay." I reassure him.

He lowers his gun but doesn't take his hand off of it.

I look back up at Santino.

"Angelo the ring." He says not taking his eyes off of me. I'm going to kill myself.

He takes the ring and then my left hand.

He slides the ring on my finger. He glances away, at Matteo before leaning down and places a kiss on my lips.

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