Chapter 7

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Giovanni- Then
Wow is it bright in here.

I open one eye slowly before following with the other eye.

I move my arm to rub my eyes.

"About time!" A girl's voice says.

I sit up slowly and take in the bedroom when my eyes land on her and the memories of last night pour into me.

Amara sits at her vanity whilst brushing her hair. She doesn't have any makeup on yet, she's in a robe and her hair is wet.

I don't know what's happening to me. We slept together once and now I'm a mess. I'm- for the first time ever- hung up on a girl. Not just any girl, Amara.

"Morning." I say and she glances at her phone.

"Just about." She laughs to herself.

"Is Matteo here?" I ask. He is going to beat my ass if he finds out I slept with his sister.

"Nope. Jax or Matteo haven't found their way back yet." She says before turning on her hair dryer to dry her hair.

I climb out of her bed and pull my trousers on for now.

I make my way over to her and take the hair dryer from her hands.

I immediately start drying it for her. I have no clue why I started drying her her hair I just did it.

I literally just took the hair dryer from her hands and started drying her hair and for what?

"What the hell are you doing?" She asks trying to taking the hair dryer back from me.

"It's fine. Just allow it." I prompt as I continue to dry her hair.

She turns back around and just allows me to dry her hair.

Once her hair was dry I bush it before handing her back the dryer and brush. She puts them on her vanity before standing and heading to her closet.

She ruffles through it before pulling out some clothes and throwing them on the bed.

"Don't you wanna leave?" Amara asks watching me as I watch her. I make eye contact with her and she just raises an eyebrow.

"I think we should talk." I say and she rolls her eyes.

"I hate talking." She sighs before sitting at the edge of her bed. She crosses one knee over the other and waits for me.

"Well... last night." I start and she just rolls her eyes.

"Last night we had sex, again. We should probably stop before my brother murders both of us." She cuts me off.

Matteo as much as he isn't about to take over a mafia like Jax and myself he is very scary when he wants to be. He can seriously hurt you. He knows how to get into your house without a single alarm going off. He's not stupid. He's a funny guy but very smart. He's head of security for a reason.

Jax wants to take Matteo back to New York with us. He offered him yesterday, Matteo just says that he'll think about it.

"True." I nod and so does she. She stands awkwardly and just waits for something. I don't know what.

"What?" I ask and she walks over to her bedroom door and opens it.

"Goodbye Gio. Make it look like you slept somewhere in this house." She stands next to the door.

I grab the rest of my clothes and head over to the door.

I feel like an idiot here. Amara had broken my dick. I cannot get hard for anyone except for her, it's physically impossible I've tried just about everything. I'm at a loss.

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