Chapter 25

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Amara- then

"Hi." I stand from my chair to greet the guy that approached me.

"Amara right?" He asks and I nod.

He's tall, not too tall. Maybe like 6ft? Blonde hair, blue eyes, kind of a tan.

"Hi you're Liam right?" I ask and he nods,

He leans down to kiss both my cheeks before we sit. That's sweet.

"Tell me about yourself." I say crossing my hands over one another.

"What do you want to know?" He asks with a raised eyebrow.

"How do you know my brother?" I ask. I really don't want to be involved with a mafia man, I need a break from it all.

"I work with your brother, kinda." He shrugs.

"Explain." I tell him.

"Well I'm Jax and Gio's accountant." Green flag for me, that's so hot.

"I've met Matteo a few times through meetings, he's just kind of been around a lot recently." He tells me.

I nod slowly and signal a waiter over.

"Chateau Haut-Brown. The bottle." I tell her, it's going to be a long night.

"Do you like?" I ask he sniffs a laugh through his nose.

"You have impeccable taste, I'm glad we agreed." Another tick.

"Tell me about you." He says. I ignore his question.

"How old are you?" I ask as the waitress brings the wine out, opens it and pours into our glasses.

"26." He tells me and I nearly cheer with joy. Another tick. I do like an older man.

"How old are you?" He asks. I ignore that question.

"Why are you an accountant?" I ask taking a sip of my wine.

"Because math makes my brain happy." Weird answer but I do like it.

I watch him take a sip before asking another question.

"What's your type?" I ask as neutral as possible. Don't want him to say me just because he thinks I want him to.

"Fiery brunettes." I think we have a winner, everyone else should just go home.

"What do you think of me?" I ask, moving to sip my wine.

"Beautiful, knows what she wants, amazing taste in wine." He smiles.

I go to ask him where he's from but Matteo makes his way over to our table.

"Time." He tells us.

"It was nice to meet you Amara." Liam stands, kisses my hand and he heads over to the hostess where I watch him pay for the bottle of wine.

I repeat the process with 5 more guys.

Dante- he works directly under my brother (good but bad. Good because he'll most likely respect me, bad because all he really wants to do is please Matteo), he's 29, likes his job because it makes him feel important (feel like there's deep rooted trauma there that I probably shouldn't get involved in), his type is me (flattery), thinks I'm the most beautiful girl he's ever met. Sweet.

Jace- he does all the security coding so he kinda works with my brother, 34 (very hot), his job is easy and likes it because he's always been interesting coding, his type is actually blondes, thinks I have the most amazing eyes (they remind him of chocolate) and I look so good in red he's considering changing his type.

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