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"Do you not trust grandfather?"
"It's not that I don't trust him but," he paused and then looked at us. Suddenly he looked dejected.
"Please tell us if anything is wrong. You trust us right?" brother Ishak said softly.
"He thinks it would be better if all of you leave the manor once you all are adult," brother Cedric said. He looks as if he is about to cry.
"Yes! We all will leave anyway once we become adult. There's nothing to worry about," brother Neel said at once.
"What do you mean by you all will leave anyway! Where do you think you all are leaving?" brother Cedric instantly asked.
"We are not sure yet, but we will find a job, so brother don't need to worry about that?" brother Henry replied happily.
"What kind of job are you gonna find?" asked brother Cedric. Now he looks more tensed rather than gloomy.
"Sister Katrina is going to the Academy so she will easily get a high class job, brother Henry is planning to do business, brother Ishak is planning to open his own bakery shop and brother Neel most probably will become a knight and the rest of us hasn't still decided," replied Matthew.
"But don't worry we will soon decide," added Alex happily.
"I understand that you all wish to join those respective professions and I will support all of you but when did you plan on leaving this house?"
"What is there to plan brother? It's already enough that you are willing to take our responsibilities till we are adult. But do you think you will burden you even after becoming an adult," said sister Athena.
"What do you mean by burden!!! You all are my family," replied brother Cedric and this time he looks angry. "Each of you tell me what did that man said that you all have gone nuts."

It was our plan to leave this house even before grandfather arrived. Although we didn't tell brother but that's really normal. In most of the noble family this happens. Only the first born will become the successor. Even if we inherit some properties we will still need to leave the house inorder to become independent.

But right now brother looks in rage that no one is saying anything about it.

"He told me I should try to focus on political science. I can become a minister if I try," said brother Henry.

"Wow! He told you that. He told me to stop goofing around and to focus on a real job. Baking isn't something that suits a Lord," said brother Ishak angrily.

"He told me to keep doing whatever I do and once I find interest in one thing from then to focus on that," said brother Neel.

"He told me to try to get into the academy like sister Katrina," said sister Athena.

Wait he gave everyone professional advice but he never said anything about profession to me. But why. He told sister Athena to get into the academy like sister Katrina,so he isn't looking down on us because I am a girl. Then what might be the reason?

"Davinia! Do you not wish to tell me?" asked brother.
"No! That's not it. It's just he didn't told me anything in particular. He just told me to be careful when I'm at the Imperial Palace."
"Okay. And Meitry, will you tell me?"
"He just told me to try to join Davinia later and go to the Imperial Palace."
"You all stay right here I'll be back," brother said as he walked out of the room hearing Meitry on a rush.

Author's Note: Don't forget to vote⭐ if you like the chapter.

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