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"My Lady, what are thinking? You look so sad!!! Is there a problem?" asked Sir Dalton.
"No of course not. What problem would I have? But Sir why didn't you told me about your brother before?"
"I didn't thought it's something you need to know," said Sir Dalton irritatedly.
"Why so? You both seem quite close. He even called you by your first name?"
"What??? He called me what?"
"Why would he do that?!?!" he said angrily.
"What's the big deal? It's such a nice name 'Quandrè'."
"Okay my Lady I understand you like my name.So please stop saying it."
We talked as we returned home.

The next day:
"No! It was a bad idea to learn horse riding!!!" said sister Athena.
"Yes! We can't do that!"
"We haven't even learned anything, all we did was tried to sit on the horse."
"But even that is so tiring. I can't do it anymore."
"Ladies don't loose your hope so quickly. You both are still very small and don't have much strength that's why you both are finding it so difficult. Once you both become older this will be much easier," said the coach.
"And how much older do we need to be?" asked sister Athena.
"I think once you both are around 12........."
"That means I will need another 6 YEARS," I said in the middle of his words.
"Yes I think so," he said with an awkward smile ,"so for now you both will learn how to sit on a horse so that you can easily ride while being with someone experienced!"

"I think we should had just listened to brother Cedric when he told us we were still small," said sister Athena as we were heading back to the manor after the class.
"You are right. But now we can't go back from our words anymore,"
"Hmm," she sighed.
"By the way, didn't Sister Katrina wrote you anything after she went to the academy?" I asked. They were quite close so it would be unusual if she didn't wrote her anything.
"She did once. But in the letter she told me the people from the Academy are quite strict. They can't even sent letter as their wish. They have limited time to do everything."
"Oh really I had no idea about that. I hope she is doing well."
"Me too," she paused for a moment then added, "Isn't that brother Henry what is he doing there?"
We both ran towards him ," What are you doing brother?" I asked as I put my hand on his shoulder from behind. He was looking at something in a suspicious way. All most like a detective.
"When did you both come?" he asked obliviously.
"Just now," replied sister Athena.
"It's nothing. Let's head back to the manor."
"But what were you looking like that while hiding behind the bushes in the garden?" I asked.
"I told you it's nothing."

I came back to my room. It was a tiring day. I have to take my usual classes at home then I have to take some classes at the Palace. I'm still happy that at least I can work this much and I'm still not falling sick. Being healthy and rich is the best!

Author's Note: I'm sorry for another late update and I'll be really busy for the next few days. I might not be able to update regularly•́⁠ ⁠ ⁠‿⁠ ⁠,⁠•̀. But once I'm back I'll try to be constant again❤️.

I ENDED UP AS A DUKE'S 7TH CHILD Where stories live. Discover now