Comedia's Coronation

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Sometime later at Equinaro Castle...

"We are gathered here today in celebration of a momentous occasion." Reigna began. She and everyone else were all dressed to their finest. "My youngest cousin Comedia has demonstrated great bravery beyond her years, and helped uncover an ugly truth that even I could not spot on my own. And in doing so, she's grown into a more beautiful, more mature young mare than I could ever have imagined. And by discovering her true self, she has proven she is ready to be crowned Equinaro's newest princess."

Ki-Adi had tears in his eyes as he stood by the crown that would be placed on his daughter's head. It was sparkly gold and its center jewel looked like a little pinwheel, just like Comedia's mark. Normally, it was tradition that the king or queen of Equinaro place the crown on a new prince or princess's head. In Equinaro, one did not just get a crown because they were part of the royal family, rather they had to earn it. But in this case, as Comedia's father and the one who'd helped her to grow into the mare she was now, Master Mundi was granted the honor of crowning Comedia.

Emeraldi also stood in attendance. She remained a royal lady, and that was good enough for her. This time, she accepted Reigna's offer to let her stay in the palace, and the queen said that through hard work, perhaps Emeraldi would also earn the title of princess if she so wished. But, Emeraldi said she was just glad that Emeraldi was under better care and she earned the crown fair and square. She only felt sad that their parents had to end up incarcerated in the end, neither of them learning to treat their family better.

"Citizens of Equinaro, friends and family, may I present for the very first time... Princess Comedia Adira Evermare-Mundi of Equinaro."

A fanfare blew, and the doors opened to reveal Comedia in her beautiful new dress.

It was a purple gown with patterns of pink, yellow, and orange balloons on the bottom of the skirt, a big pink bow around the middle, and the rest of the skirt and bodice had dots that looked like confetti. And her hair was straightened again a little in a side ponytail, decorated with ribbons that looked like streamers.

Beautiful music played as Comedia walked down the aisle. Everyone thought she looked so beautiful, and this time Comedia thought so too, and she felt beautiful too. She looked at all the friends she'd made, and they all smiled proudly at her as she made her way up to the altar and bowed before her cousin, the queen. And Ki-Adi proudly picked up the tiara sitting on the pillow and placed it on Comedia's head.

"I couldn't be prouder of you, Comedia." He said, kissing her muzzle.

Comedia licked her father in response and then turned to face the others, her crown shining like a star.

People cheered for the newly crowned princess. Comedia felt so many things she'd never felt before. From her family, biological and adoptive, and her friends too.

And at the reception afterward, a toast was declared in honor of the new princess... by her adoptive father and her sister.

"Comedia is a truly exceptional young girl. The moment I met her, I believed we would become a great family. In the beginning, it was difficult. I was a Jedi who lived very seriously for a long time, and she was a mare who played so many jokes and drove everyone a little crazy at some point, all out of a cry for help. It was a challenge, and there were times Comedia felt like giving up because others had. But I would never give up on her because I love her as more than just a steed. In my eyes, despite our differences in species and behavior, Comedia will always be my daughter, my special princess."

"I couldn't be prouder of my little sister," said Emeraldi. "She's never been afraid to be who she really is, no matter what anyone else said. Comedia always looked to make others happy, and even more to make them laugh. As she has always said, 'laughter is the best medicine.'"

Comedia was very touched by her father's words, and now that she was a princess, she felt... not that different. Princess was merely a title, but Comedia did feel unstoppable now that she could be herself, and she had everything she needed now. She had a new home, a loving family, and maybe someday with a little time to find herself and perhaps find a rider who was kind and caring, maybe Emeraldi and Comedia would become close as they used to be again.

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