Holiday Scares

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Firework rushed into the room as refreshments were placed out on the table for everyone. Traditional dishes of the royal family were served, but the Twists brought a little something of their own.

Cinnamon roll pound cake. An old family recipe.

"Cinnamon pound cake!" Firework exclaimed, looking ready to dig in.

But Sugar bit her sister's tail to stop her from charging at the cake, much to the younger mare's chagrin.

"Firework! Heel!" Sugar Cane said, struggling to keep her sister from getting to the cake.

"What's wrong with her?" Korkie asked.

That was another thing about Firework. While the rest of the family had this strange ability to eat a lot of sugar and not get sick or gain a ton of weight, Firework did not have the same immunity to sugar. Like just about anyone else, a lot of sugar made her a little crazy. If it wasn't a sugar rush or a crash, it made her more irritable. So, her diet had to consist mainly of fruits and vegetables to keep her in check.

Many times, Firework was sure she was adopted, given that her entire family was sugarcoated horses. But Vanilla Swirl and Blackberry had the birth certificate, the ultrasound pictures, all of Firework's baby pictures, even a DNA test to prove she was theirs.

"Of all the sweet treats in the galaxy, cinnamon pound cake makes her the craziest." Peppermint said. "Last time we left it alone while Firework was still in the house... it was a massacre."

"Firework killed someone?!" Korkie panicked.

"No. But there were sparkles as red as blood everywhere. She literally blew the roof off the house." Sugar Cane explained. "Coconut Cream hasn't been able to babysit for us since."

Firework had another small burst of fireworks that covered one of the chairs with sparkles.

"Does that happen often?" Satine asked Mr. and Mrs. Twist.

"It depends on her mood." Blackberry said. "Fortunately, worst case scenario is normally explosions of glitter. It's rarely ever actual fire."

"Are we sure it's a good idea to have this dessert near her, then?" Obi-Wan said.

"I was just a filly back then." said Firework. "I'm not that crazy with it anymore."

"Still, Dear. We must be cautious." Vanilla said.

Firework licked her mouth at the sight of the cake, which Vanilla put a cover over.

"You can have a slice of cake after you eat your vegetables."

Firework gagged at that. If there was anything she hated hearing her mother say, it was that she had to eat her vegetables. Sure, she liked carrots, celery, lettuce, and cabbage... but there was one vegetable she hated more than any other. Broccoli. And unfortunately for her, it was the one vegetable her parents tried to get her to eat the most. They said it was the best one to ensure sugar didn't set her off like a ticking time bomb.

Dinner wasn't quite ready yet, so the two families got on with doing an activity from the Twist family's traditions. One of the best traditions they had was building gingerbread houses together and decorating them.

"No one eat any gingerbread until we are done building." Vanilla said firmly.

"We know the drill, Mom." Firework rolled her eyes.

Peppermint and her family had plenty of experience building gingerbread houses, so if there were a contest here, they'd likely have it in the bag. The humans had a little more trouble building theirs, though. Obi-Wan had a little experience building gingerbread houses, given how Peppermint taught him how last Life Day; he'd even tried making one himself to surprise Peppermint on her birthday. It fell apart as soon as she picked a piece of the roof off, but it was still delicious.

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