Hocus Pocus Part 2

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The Skywalker-Jinn children soon got to settling themselves in at the Temple.

Lamenta was reading her Peter Pan book to the baby twins while Omega and Estrella went on a safari across the Temple, Boba and Remix were searching through holo-vids and movies for something good to watch, and Gabby went searching for any treats to sneak across the Temple. She knew for a fact that some of the masters kept secret stashes of candy they kept for themselves.

"Master Mundi claims he doesn't know what happened to all the gummy bears," said Gabby, sneaking around with Carousella standing guard. "But I know he's hogging them for himself. Aha!"

She found a whole box with packs of gummy bears under Ki-Adi's bed.

"I knew he's been sneaking gummy bears from the cupboard and my Halloween candy the last two years! Of all people, you'd expect a Jedi master to be more generous with candy." Gabby said, taking only a few bags, hoping it wouldn't be enough for her uncle to notice some were missing.

The twin Jedi princes and their father gathered with the Council as they agreed to keep watch over the younglings today. They split up by age groups.

So far, all they knew about the children who went missing so far was that they had gone to bed just before they vanished, and so far, the oldest children who'd disappeared were sixteen-year-olds.

"Have we taken every precaution to make sure the kids will be safe?" asked Master Mundi.

"Carmine, Dad, and I cast a protection spell over the Temple." Anakin said. "No dark creature is getting in here. And they definitely won't be getting my kids."

"We also closed the portal to the Encanto temporarily." said Carmine. "We wouldn't wanna risk a repeat of Rosella's kidnapping, much less even more kids of her world."

However, that was when Sapphire burst in.

"Your Majesties!" Sapphire exclaimed, panting.

"Sapphire, what's wrong?" Anakin said, calming his horse.

"Queen Reigna just contacted Carousella." Sapphire said. "She says all three of her daughters have gone missing. So have many young horses in Equinaro. The same thing's happened in Elementara, Vulgardia, Maamoh-Ya, and many other kingdoms across the Enchantra system."

That didn't sound good.

The kids had their sleeping bags set up or sat on puffy clouds Gabby and Lamenta conjured in big rooms across the Temple.

"Why can't we sleep in our beds tonight?" Boba asked, setting up his sleeping bag.

"The threats have gotten worse, children." Mace said. "Therefore, we're all going to keep watch of all of you tonight."

"If who or whatever was after those other kids goes after them while they sleep," said Aayla, "We must find out how it works precisely."

"Or... maybe they don't attack when adults are watching." Anakin said.

Gabby got her teddy bear comfy on a soft cloud she was using as a bed.

"This is like a big sleepover." Gabby said. "We could stay up all night."

"No, no," said Qui-Gon. "That's the grownups' job tonight."

"Then what can we do?"

"Get to bed on time and behave yourselves."

"But if the attackers only come when we're sleeping," said Lamenta. "Wouldn't staying awake be a good idea?"

"Nice try, kids." Padme said as she and Caroline were rocking the babies to sleep. "You all need to be rested. Threat or none, all children tonight need to be in bed on time."

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