Trouble On Ryloth

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Episodes: "Devil's Deal" & "Rescue on Ryloth"

Graduation of Windy Falls Academy's eighth grade class was just around the corner. But first, it was that time of year before summer: spring break.
With all that'd been going on with all the clavatizations and constant lookout for escaped magical convicts, it would be nice to finally get a break from school, and hopefully from magical hero work.
Of course, a royal's and a senator's job was never done.
Today, Padme was accompanying her father-in-law and sister-in-law to Planet Ryloth, where they were overseeing recovery for the Twileks. After the Clone War, as well as Lady Morpha's attack on their lands, a lot of damage was caused, some severe enough to leave people homeless or jobless.
Padme looked over the balcony to see many of the people of Ryloth out, looking curious about how things were going to change now that the Clone War was over. Even with the Jedi to keep the peace and the royals of Enchantra's alliance, the threat of Mariverde and the escaped convicts remained at large. Not everyone was grateful that the royal family of Solaris had returned either; some even blamed them for leading the Doresho Gypsies to come back and attack, thus starting the Doresho War.
"Knowing it was an enemy of Solaris' royal family attacked them," said Padme. "I hope our presence here hasn't worried your people."
"Rest assured, Princess Skywalker. I speak for the people when I say this partnership is most welcome. Wouldn't you agree, Syndulla?"
"I will always support that which helps Ryloth." said Eleni Syndulla. She was none other than the mother of Omega's best friend Hera.
"What about you, General Syndulla?" said Qui-Gon. "Do you share your wife's outlook?"
"After years spent fighting, peace is what is needed." said Cham Syndulla, Eleni's husband and Hera's father.
"And with peace comes prosperity." said Senator Taa.
"I couldn't agree more." Kara said. "Both of those things will be essential to ensuring a safe galaxy for our children and future generations."
"This is a new era for Ryloth." Taa said. "Shall we?"
Clone Captain Howzer stood by as everyone but Cham walked out from the room.
"Everything all right, General?" asked the clone captain.
Cham sighed and said, "I should be content the war's over. But change is not always easy. I hope my people will embrace this peace."
"Ryloth is safe, Cham. This is what you fought for. And with Princess Padme involved, thing usually take a turn for the better."
"Yes, they do."
It was then that the senator and royals went to address the people.
"Thanks to the generosity of the royal family of Solaris among many other kingdoms, our new alliances will bring stability and growth to Ryloth once again. Now is the time for all Twileks to step down from their military posts and enjoy their hard-fought freedom."
Except, the people seemed to dislike that, and demanded to hear Cham Syndulla. Cham looked at his wife, and she nodded for him to go ahead.
"My friends, I understand your uneasiness." Cham began. "The one thing we have always done as a people is stand together to defend Ryloth. When the Clone War began and the Republic was losing, we were on our own. But when our losses mounted and the enemy closed in," Howzer stepped up then. "the clone army as well as the Jedi came to our aid. We would not be here today if it wasn't for them. They fought with us. They fought for us. And they have earned our respect. I trust them to protect us as they always have, as well as the royal family to aid in our time of need as they have since coming out of hiding. The war had ended. Let us lay down our weapons and focus on Ryloth's future."
The people then cheered.
"Too bad we didn't bring Omega," said Padme. "She might've liked to see Hera, if she were here to see this as well."
"Hera has other interests, Princess." Eleni said.
"Children tend to have various interests."

Meanwhile, young Hera Syndulla was searching about with her droid friend Chopper. Even with the peace right now, despite having no magic of her own like her friend Omega and her family, she wanted to aid in any way she could in the fight against Mariverde and her army.
"Anything suspicious yet?" said Hera.
Chopper just made a bunch of noises in response, prompting Hera to look through her binoculars.
"I don't know, Chop. Nothing looks out of the ordinary." Hera said. "Then again, I don't know a lot about magical creatures. Just a mining facility. I overheard Father say this is only the first location."
Chopper chattered a bit.
"No, we can't go. Uncle Gobi told us to stay and gather intel."
Hera decided to take some time to sit down and look up at the sky. It was so blue with fluffy white clouds, a bird squawking happily as it flew by. Laying back and looking around, Hera imagined what it might be like to fly a ship herself someday... until a couple of clone troopers came, having been sent by her parents to retrieve her

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