Mazes and Mutants

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Donnie is trying to fight off the monkeys.

"A lot freakier than one inch miniatures!" Donnie exclaimed

Raph is getting attacked by the monkeys since he had trouble swinging his ax.

"This ax is impossible!" Raph exclaimed. 

"You can't play like Raph the ninja turtle. You have to play like Raph the Dwarf Barbarian." Mikey stated. 

"Never should've agreed to be a Dwarf." Raph growled. 

"Do these monkey goblins remind you of something or someone?" Donnie asked. 

"They almost look like Rockwell." Mikey stated. 

We started to surround the monkeys until they disappeared.

"What is going on? And where did those things come from?" Donnie asked. 

"No idea. But there's only one way out of here." I stated. 

Flames lit up, lighting up the dungeon.

"We're not really gonna do this, are we?" Rpah asked. 

"Unless you know some other way out, we have to play Sir Malachi's game." I stated. 

They began to head around the maze.

"If this is a dungeon maze, it's probably loaded with traps, so watch your step. I never want to see you get hurt +1 ring of awesome, so shiny and beautiful, my magical source of power. My awesome." Mikey stated. 

Raph hits Mikey with his helmet.

"I'll give you a magical headache." Raph stated. 

Mikey hisses. The team soon stopped as a projection of Malachi appears.

"Wanderers. Mine congratulations on solving the first puzzle. And now for thy second riddle." Malachi stated. 

"You stupid bird head. Oof!" I stated and Raph hits me on the head. 

"A maze is like a brain. A dungeon is a mind. Make one slip, and you'll be forever left behind." Malachi. 

"Can this get any weirder?" Raph asked. 

We fell down the hole but Mikey saves himself with a makeshift plunger. Below him was a pit of magma.

"Guess so." Raph stated as we climb back on. 

"I think all of those tiles are trapdoors." Donnie stated. 

"You heard him, team. Ninja stealth." I stated. 

They begin to avoid the traps and Mikey loses his dagger.

"My dagger of limitless skill! Eh. It wasn't all that." Mikey stated. 

"That was too close." Donnie stated. 

"What is going on here?" Leo asked. 

"I'm gonna tell you what's going on, Leo. This is all magic." Mikey stated. 

"There's no such thing as magic." Raph stated. 

"It's the power of the ancient elves, dude."  Mikey stated. 

"Why am I having this conversation? I just want to hit Sir Nerdachi so hard. He turns back into an egg. I want to clobber his feathery face into a pillow. I want to..." Raph stated. 

We fall down into another area.

"Sir Raphael, you challenge my power, the power of the Gray Highland wizards of the north?" Malachi stated. 

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