Prologue: Dark Future

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Normal: Dialogue, Narrations

Italics: Thoughts

Bold: A/N, Quotes, Reality change

Bold + Italics: Songs lyrics, Voice on speaker

Bold + Underline: Dimension change information

[] + Bold: Recording, Chat logs, Small Timeskips and Flashbacks

(A/N: All the images or gifs or videos used do not belong to me, they belong to the respective owners)

To quote from Lord Drakkon: I don't know... how you... survived... but I promise... to make your second death all the more painful! You understand, kids? You were no match for me when I was but a man. What hope do you stand now that I am a GOD?! This is my world. Here, my destiny is all the more certain. As they always have, your "friends" will fail you, Tommy. Just as they did me.

Ozpin was sipping a cup of hot chocolate, as he was sighing remembering on the events of the Arc Civil War still going on. Nicholas and Vlad Arc had continued to cause a lot of problem. He knew that the Civil War had claimed many innocent lives, including several Arcadians. The Arcadians were gaining an advantage against the Black Arms, the main army against the Arcadians, that was until he showed up..

His name was Dracon, he was a major problem against the Arcadian Armies, destroying entire armies of Arcadians with ease. He also posed problems to even the One-Five, such that he always managed to get an upper hand against them. 

There has been no information on Arcadia until now, he was starting to get worried, and so were the spies that had been sent here to keep an eye on cells that have arrived here. Even Willow was here, and she was getting concerned on the lack of information that was present. Dracon always hurt her for an unknown reason, and she refused to talk about him in any manner. 

"What now?" Ozpin spoke with concern as he looked out of the window, as suddenly a transmission came to Ozpin on his scroll, it was from an Arcadian source. 

Ozpin immediately took the scroll and closed everything in his room to make sure there are no spies, there was also making sure whether no one would be seeing him. He then picks up the call as he speaks

"Yes? May I know who is speaking?" The voice on the other side was Aglovale Arc, as he had spoken. 

"Ozpin, it's me Aglovale! I have some terrible news!!" Aglovale's voice was desperate and panting, as Ozpin asked with concern. 

"What happened?" Aglovale spoke with a deep breath, "Arcadia has fallen, Ozpin!

Ozpin staggered behind at this news, as he was horrified to hear this, as he spoke with horror and fear, "Please tell me this is a joke! Don't tell me the Black Arms have won!!?"

"I am afraid so, Ozpin!" Ozpin's heart sank as Aglovale continued, "It is over, Arcadia has fallen, billions have perished, my family is on the verge of extinction. He is hunting us down for our biggest mistake.."

"What mistake? And who is hunting you down!? Nicholas isn't strong enough to do this! Not on his own!!" Ozpin retorted to which Aglovale responded, "It is not Nicholas, it is none other than...Dra-AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!

Aglovale screamed in pain as Ozpin shouted, "Aglovale! Aglovale!!" 

The call was cut off, Ozpin knew only one person that had the first part of his name as 'Dra'. He muttered with horror. 

"Dracon..." Ozpin's voice was filled with fear, he had to act quickly since Dracon's next target is going to be. He was going to come to the Four Kingdoms, his greatest fears had come true. Tears fell from his eyes, knowing the kingdom that his daughters had painstakingly built had fallen by one man. 

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