🌹| This is your wedding

616 46 35

Harin's house

↪Minho's pov↩

“Harin, please make sure you catch some sleep, okay? You look really stress today.”

Oh no, I don't plan on sleeping, lady. I plan on staying up until the after hours, so I could sneak my way out of here and head to my dorm. Because what the hell, man? What if someone is posing as Minho? And being all weird? And probably sound like a duck when they sing, can't cook and also wanted to break my legs? What if its this so called Harin?

Pfft, no way that's possible.

But one thing is for sure, I will never go to sleep.

______ ♥ ______

“Welcome my child,” A dancing palm tree with Seungmin's head was playing the banjo, while a dolphin danced to the horrible beats. It was a mixture of banjo and a strange music and wobbly air.

“What the fuck?” wondering how I got on the beach, I mused.

Cause what the actual fuck was even happening anymore?

“This is your wedding, we're just wanting for the groom,” A penguin which we're going to call Changbin or Changuin waddled out of a rock. What is a penguin doing in this tropical region? I am no geographical master but I think the fuck not?

Minho what the hell? You care about how a Changuin got here and not the fact that you're getting married? Priorities man. But to who?

“To me, m'lady!” the imposter Minho bowed, pointing a ball at me.


_____ ♥ _____


I was jolted awake by fright, my gaze running round the dimly lit room, pausing at the little light that emitted from what I assumed to be a phone. I used my elbows to prop myself up, grunting under my breath.

I really fell asleep, huh?
And what the fuck kinda dream is that?

Lurching forward, I picked up the phone with a groan. Instantaneously reading the notification.

17 miss call from unknown

___________• ° ★ ° •____________

Pick one drop one

Christmas evel or 24 to 25?

Anyways hi, how are you?

As always Lee (> •-•)> will be taking your votes and comments

Thanks for reading

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