"No, it's just that it's a two-person job and I'm not gonna be that much help," Kathryn said pointedly.

"Why wouldn't you—" Josie's voice died in her throat and her gaze flicked to Kathryn's stomach, obstructed by the view of the table. "Holy shit."

"Holy shit?" Bucky gazed quizzically between the two of them. "What am I missing?"

"Are you—" Josie breathed out, eyes going wide with excitement.

"Yes!" Kathryn blurted.

"Holy SHIT!" Josie was on her feet in seconds and shoving baby Cathy into Bucky's arms. She tugged Kathryn from the chair, flinging her arms around her sister-in-law tightly and lovingly, peppering a kiss onto her cheek. "I'm so thrilled! A baby—God, you're just gonna be amazing!"

"A baby?" Bucky choked out, gaze flickering between Kathryn and Gale. "Ugh—"

Gale swatted him behind the head. "Bucky—"

"No, it's not that I'm not happy—it's just that I can't deny that you two have had sex—"

This time, Kathryn swatted him upside the head. "Hug me, you asshat. You're gonna the godfather, obviously."


Another milestone was reached in the marriage bed of Gale and Kathryn Cleven. One night when Kathryn was reading next to her husband, book in hand, she felt a sensation she had never experienced before. It was as if her body was giving some sort of nervous twitch and butterflies flew up her stomach. Kathryn's eyes went wide and she dropped the book, gaze falling on her stomach.

Immediately, Gale's eyes had gone wide. "Kath, are you—"

"Shh!" Kathryn hushed him and grabbed his hand, pressing it onto her stomach. For a moment, neither person moved and Gale didn't understand what she was doing— but then the sensation happened again and he felt a flutter against his hand. All at once, liquid sunshine seemed to flood Gale Cleven's system and a bright smile spread across his features.

"Is that...the baby moving?"

"It's saying hi," Kathryn murmured, unable to stop the grin that painted her face—it was the biggest he had ever seen her smile in his life. And right there, he wished he had a camera to capture this smile of hers forever, immortalize her joy and happiness for the rest of mankind.

And it was in this moment for Gale Cleven that all joy turned to utter and total trepidation. Because this was a real and living baby —a human being. One that he would be responsible for and supposed to care for. He was going to be a father and he had no idea how to do that. A feeling of unease shot through him and he removed his hands, gaze falling back on the sheets.

This didn't go unnoticed by Kathryn. "What's wrong, baby?"

"Nothin', darlin'," He forced the words out of his throat as if he were being strangled by some unseen force from the unknown world.

"Gale Cleven, don't you dare lie to me," Kathryn let out a huff of air, gaze narrowing on him. He let out a deep sigh, head falling back on the headboard and Kathryn frowned, eyes watching him carefully.

He had been so happy seconds previous—and now it was as though he were distancing himself on purpose. Kathryn's expression softened and she scooted closer to him. "Gale, look at me," Kathryn commanded in a gentle tone.

It took him a moment to tear his gaze away from the sheets of the bed and onto Kathryn. And when they locked eyes, he knew that she knew exactly what was going through his head. Knew that she knew him better than he knew himself most of the time.

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