Chapter XVIII

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The gang's descent was met with the refreshing embrace of the mountain air, crisp and cool against their skin. With her grip steady on the reins, Katara guided Appa to a smooth landing with practiced ease. As the bison's feet touched the ground, Aang stirred from his slumber, stretching and yawning as he emerged from his perch atop Appa's head.

With practiced ease, the team dismounted, eager to stretch their muscles and shake off the stiffness of the journey. Still atop Appa, Katara carefully retrieved the bag containing their food supplies. Below, Zuko waited patiently, his gaze fixed on her with an intensity that didn't go unnoticed. There was a silent understanding between them, a wordless exchange of acknowledgment. 

Katara tossed him the bag, and Zuko caught it effortlessly, his movements fluid and controlled. He placed the bag on the ground, his attention never wavering from Katara as she descended from the saddle. As she reached him, he extended a hand, a silent offer of assistance. Katara accepted with a grateful smile, her fingers lingering on his for a moment longer than necessary before she turned to retrieve the bag of food.

"Thanks," she murmured softly, her eyes meeting his briefly before she moved to join the rest of the group.

As Sokka stretched his arms over his head, a loud rumble emanated from his stomach, drawing attention to his hunger. "I'm starving!" he declared, earning a chuckle from Aang. "How much longer until we get there, Aang?" 

Aang surveyed their surroundings, his brows furrowing slightly in concentration. "Not long. We're close. Maybe an hour?" he estimated, his voice tinged with excitement at the prospect of reaching their destination.

Katara and Suki swiftly delved into the bag of supplies, their hands moving with purpose as they retrieved an array of colorful fruits. With a deft flick of her wrist, Katara summoned water from the clouds, using it to wash the fruits clean of any dust or debris.

As Suki skillfully sliced the fruits into bite-sized pieces, the vibrant colors and fresh aroma filled the air, teasing their senses and whetting their appetites. Each slice was a burst of sweetness, a refreshing treat after their long journey through the skies. She saved a piece of an apple and gave it to Momo, who nibbled on it quickly. Appa growled in protest, and Suki laughed, "Don't worry, big guy. I got you." She reached into the bag and found a whole apple. Instead of cutting it, she tossed it toward Appa, who gratefully ate it whole. 

With bowls of freshly cut fruit in hand, the team gathered together, their makeshift breakfast spread out before them. They sat in companionable silence; the only sound was the gentle rustle of leaves and the occasional crunch of fruit between their teeth.

As they enjoyed their breakfast, the morning sunlight bathed the mountain slopes in a warm golden hue, casting long shadows across the landscape. Aang leaned back against a nearby rock; his expression relaxed as he savored the sweetness of the fruit.

Zuko glanced around at their surroundings, his eyes scanning the horizon with a practiced eye. "We should start heading out soon," he suggested, breaking the comfortable silence. 

Aang nodded in agreement, pushing himself up from his resting spot. "Right. Let's pack up and get moving."

Katara and Suki quickly gathered the remaining fruit slices, stowing them back into the bag along with their other supplies. Zuko stood nearby, his gaze distant as he watched the group prepare to continue their journey.

"Are you okay, Zuko?" Katara asked softly, noticing the troubled look on his face.

Zuko hesitated for a moment before offering her a faint smile. "I'm fine," he replied, though his words lacked conviction. Katara studied him for a moment, concern furrowing her brow, but she didn't press further.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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