Chapter XVII

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Zuko stood in his room, the weight of exhaustion pressing down on him like a weighted blanket. The events of the day had taken their toll, both physically and emotionally, leaving him drained and battered. 

His thoughts drifted to Katara. He admired her strength and her unwavering resolve to fight for what she believed in. But as he glanced around his room, now barren and devoid of any semblance of hope, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of resentment toward her. He liked her more than he cared to admit, even to himself, but he couldn't shake this uneasy feeling gnawing at him. 

The plan had been reckless, and he knew it. Her impulsiveness worried him. He had tried to voice his concerns, to warn the others of the dangers, but it seemed like no one was listening. Maybe it was well-deserved, considering he had been the enemy just weeks ago. But now, faced with the consequences of their actions, Zuko couldn't help but feel angry at the group. 

 Was joining them a mistake? He wondered, his brow furrowing in frustration. He had wanted to stop his father, to bring him to justice for all the pain and destruction he had caused. But he hadn't anticipated the complications that would arise, nor had he expected to develop feelings for the Avatar's girl. It was a tangled web of emotions and loyalties, one he wasn't sure he was equipped to navigate. Leaning against the bedframe post, Zuko smacked his head against it in frustration, feeling a headache begin to form behind his eyes. He stared at his open bag that lay across his bed with a sober expression. He wasn't sure what to do anymore. He felt more lost and conflicted than ever before.

With a heavy sigh, he turned his attention to the task at hand—packing up what little belongings he had left. Rummaging through the old wardrobe, Zuko pulled out a few worn garments that seemed to still fit him and added them to the pile of items on his bed. His movements were brisk, almost mechanical, as he worked to gather his meager possessions. But as he reached for his bag, a sudden jolt of pain shot through his arm, sending a sharp pang radiating from his shoulder down to his fingertips.

Zuko grimaced, clutching at his injured shoulder as he fought to suppress a cry of pain. He closed his eyes tightly, willing the throbbing ache to subside until, finally, the sharp sting dulled to a dull ache. With a frustrated growl, he shook his head, cursing his own weakness.

Using his uninjured hand, Zuko hastily finished packing, shoving his belongings into the bag with a rough, almost careless urgency. He spared a moment to glance at his reflection in the mirror on his dresser, his gaze meeting the tired, haggard face that stared back at him. With a sigh, he ran a hand through his disheveled hair, untangling a few stubborn knots and brushing away flecks of rubble that clung to his hair. He grabbed a leftover towel from his dresser and wiped away the dirt and grime from his face, his movements rough and impatient. Though he was only partially satisfied with his appearance, he knew he couldn't afford to waste any more time. Exiting his room, Zuko didn't spare a last glance at what he was leaving behind. 

Katara's room was dimly lit, the faint glow of the setting sun casting long shadows across the floor as she packed her belongings in silence. Her thoughts were consumed by the events that had unfolded, regret and frustration swirling within her chest. She couldn't shake the feeling of anger at herself for pushing the plan so hard despite Zuko's warnings. Deep down, she knew he had been right; they weren't ready for this.

As she folded a shirt and placed it carefully in her bag, Katara couldn't help but chastise herself for her actions. Why had she been so insistent on forcing the plan? It was as if she had been desperately trying to prove something to herself and the others, a need to fit in and to show that she could be just as "cool" and "fun" as the rest of them. But now, as the consequences of her recklessness became painfully apparent, she couldn't help but loathe herself for ever succumbing to such insecurities.

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