Chapter XII

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After a few moments, she sighed as if she had lost it. "I thought I felt someone else's presence for a second, but the sand makes everything fuzzy. I could be wrong. The feeling is gone too."

Katara looked at Zuko, thinking the same thing he was. Azula. "You sure you felt someone, Toph?"

Toph firmly nodded.

Aang stirred uncomfortably in his seat, his appetite gone. "Maybe we should go back to the house." He could also sense another presence, but the feeling was barely there, like the person nearby knew to mask their presence. Sokka scarfed down the rest of his food, "I agree. We can eat inside the house. It's better than us being sitting ducks." 

Without another word, the gang began packing up. Zuko stood up, quickly gathering what he could carry. Katara doused the large flame leaving nothing but smoke and darkness. Sokka grabbed the pot of hot food and carried it back to the house with the help of Aang. Toph followed Sokka closely behind, feeling for anything or anyone.

Within minutes, the area was clean, as if it had been untouched for years. The group made it back to the house safely, and Aang used earth bending to create a makeshift door out of a rock to block the open entrance to the house. 

"There. If anyone is out there, they won't be able to come in," Aang said, clapping dust off his hands before placing them on his hips. He wasn't too confident that a door made of rock would stop somebody from breaking in, especially when the rest of the house was made of wood and had giant windows. He let out a defeated sigh. 

Not taking any chances, Sokka closed every curtain for every window. "I hope your senses were lying to you, Toph," he told her with a hint of annoyance. All he wanted was to enjoy his dinner with his friends, not get into a fight on an empty stomach. On cue, his stomach growled, and he pouted. 

"I'm never wrong," Toph snapped at him, "I swear I could feel someone's presence. It was just hard to tell whose." 

"She's right. Even I could sense someone was nearby," Aang chimed in. He hated to admit it, but someone was stalking them. 

Sokka felt chills go down his back, "So..." he gulped, "Someone is out there right now?" 

"Yes," Toph answered. 

"Watching us?" 


Sokka backed away from the window and sat down on the couch. He grabbed a pillow and hugged it close to his chest for comfort as he watched the front door. He was now on high alert, every sound making him flinch. 

"Hey-" Zuko began as he walked into the living room but was cut short by Sokka's scream. 

"WHAT?!" Zuko shouted at him, his anxiety levels striking. He quickly backed away, scared that something was about to happen in front of him. Everyone else jumped at the sudden interaction, leaving them in a ready stance.

Sokka hid his face in the pillow, "You scared me! Why did you have to walk in so suddenly like that?!" 

Zuko clenched his jaw. "I'll kill you," he snapped, ready to throw himself at Sokka. Unfortunately, his path to kill was blocked by Katara, who stepped in front of him. She gave him a dangerous look. He glanced down at her and turned his head away from her stare, "Fine," he muttered.

Toph snatched the pillow from Sokka and smacked him hard against the head, "Stop being such a baby!" 

Sokka fell back with a yelp. "I'm SORRY!" 

Aang stepped into the living room, "Guys, come on. We have important things to figure out." 

"As I said, before I was so rudely interrupted, I blocked off all the back entrances to the house. No one can get in or out without us hearing it," Zuko said, lessening their stress. 

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