Chapitre 14

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Jungkook was still slumped on the wheel when suddenly someone opened the car's door behind him, making him jump in fear.

-Soobina doesn't want to live in the forest said Taehyung while fastening his son.

Jungkook was too surprised to tell anything. He wouldn't dare to upset more the omega. Because each time the alpha opened his mouth, it didn't please the omega...

The latter came to sit beside Jungkook and without a word fold his arms.

Gulping, Jungkook asked :

-where did you want to go ?

- I don't know. Is there a fucking safe place in this pack for us ?


-no ! you, listen ! you swore this pack was safe ! didn't you brag that alphas knew how to behave ????

Jungkook closed his eyes, trying to find the words which wouldn't trigger more the omega beside him.

-I am sorry...

-that's all you know, to be sorry !

-because I truly am ! Maybe I was naïve, ok ?

-seriously ? really ??

-ok !!! I was naïve ! I thought alphas were different in my pack ! I was wrong ! and anyway, whatever I say you shout at me, so end of the discussion.

-yeah, thank you for your words...

-Taehyung... please, stop that. It leads us to nothing !

The omega kept silence, engulfed in his angriness.

-I bring you home if you don't have anywhere else to go.

As all reply he got was silence, the alpha turned the key and drove to his house.

Once at home, the omega took his son and with heavy steps, he walked to his room, slamming the door behind him.

-yeah, I get it, you hate me and all the entire world...

With that he went to his room and without taking his clothes off, he jumped on his bed. In an instant, he was asleep...

Early in the morning, Jungkook cooked for the omega and left to the office. He messages him to beg him to eat.

After work, he decided to stop to shop something for the young father.

He remembered where the shop was in the street and quickly came in.

A young woman welcome him.

-Hello sir, my name is Rosée, may I help you ?

-thanks, Rosée, I am looking for something for a friend omega, a male omega, something for his...breast. You know, he breastfeeds his son, and sometimes, there are...leaks ?

-oh ! yes ! I see ! we get what you are looking for, I will show you, come this way, please.

The young woman led him to a small private room with two comfortable chairs. There were some products displayed on long shelves, and some drawers below.

-ah ! found it ! said the seller, opening a drawer.

She took some boxes off and opened it, bringing something out.

-look, sir, that's I was talking to you about. This is like a bralette, you see ? there is no straps as males' omegas don't have big breasts like females. You put it like that.

And she showed him by slipping it over his clothes.

-it's easy to attach it, look, there is some little hooks, and... voila ! it's very comfortable and easy to put and remove. And you can put some cotton cloth here to protect your bra, and your clothes won't be soaked !

Jungkook was all smiles, that was exactly what he wanted.

-thank you Rosée, I will take some of them.

-what's your friend's size, if I may know ?

-oh... he is very thine... maybe a small one ?

-ok, so... in this size, you have all these colors, does he prefer one ?

-he is more... neutral ?

Rosée smiled and showed him what it could be fine for Taehyung.

At the end, Jungkook took 5 of them, black, grey, soft blue, soft green and purple. He took some boxes of cotton tissue too.

-your friend will be welcome if he wants to exchange.

-hmmm... he is... kind of uncomfortable with people, you know...

-I understand, so maybe he would prefer to just call and ask for whatever he wants ? I sometimes gave my phone number for shy customers, all they have to do is to text me we have a website with all our products, he could choose whatever they wanted, we will deliver it and take back too.

-that's wonderful ! thank you very much, you were very helpful Rosée !

-I am glad I could help you...Please tell your friend I am here for any help !

-thank you very much, I will tell him !

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