Chapitre 7

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-you can use the car seat behind, it's comfortable and safe, don't worry, my little bunny always sleeps in ! said Jungkook

-Little bunny ? asked Tae while sitting his baby boy in the car seat.

Jungkook chuckled before answering.

-yes, my little bunny. 'cause, you know, he uses to frown his nose like that, like me in fact, and my family always says we look like a bunny, so...

Taehyung frowned and looked at the alpha who was wrinkling his nose to show him.

-oh... I see... you actually look like a bunny ! he said with a soft smile.

-I told you ! said Jungkook. Do you want me to help you to adjust the belt for Soobina ?

Taehyung nodded and stepped aside to let the alpha take care of it. The omega didn't want to say it was the first time he used a car seat, because he didn't have a car and his husband didn't let him drive nor show them around. He hopped his son wouldn't be sick, because it was the first time in a car... first time for him too indeed... He decided to talk to the alpha, because he knew he would be ashamed if one of them, or worst, both, vomit in the alpha's car.


The alpha rose his eyes after having check the belts. The little boy was calm in the seat, opened wide his eyes to look at the car.

-yes ?

Taehyung was shy again, what if the alpha got angry ?

-hey, come on, I won't bite or scream ! please, feel free to speak to me like a friend.

Hearing these words, Taehyung looked at him.

-friend ? I... I never had friend... how does it work ?

Jungkook shook his head and closed his eyes for a second. This was so weird...

-talking to a friend is like... talking to your child or someone you like very much. You feel free to tell him anything you want because friends never judge you, they always listen to you, give you good advice, cry with you if you are sad, laugh with you too.

-Oh... it must be... nice... to have someone like that...

-yes, it is. And I'm sorry you didn't have ever one, it's sad to be alone.

Taehyung didn't answer, lost in his thoughts.

-so.... What did you want to tell me ?

-... I don't know if I can tell you... I am sorry, I don't know how to behave with you ! it's so strange, because the alphas here never talk to me like you, they always shout or ignore me...

Jungkook drew closer, he really wanted the omega to know he was not a threat.

-I promise, I will always listen and talk to you like I always have done in my all life : with attention.

-mmmm.... Ok. Itsthefirsttimeforbothofustogoinacar !!

Jungkook blinked several times, not being sure about what the omega was saying.

-you... it's your first time in a car, is it ?

-yes... and I am afraid that maybe we could be sick... I don't want to soil your car...

-don't worry, you will seat beside Soobina, ok ? you will be more comfortable to be close to each other, and I will give you a bag in case you feel sick. Will it be ok like that ?

The omega nodded, smiling a little to Jungkook.

-and I remember reading something about focusing on the road before you might help not be sick, he added while seating behind the wheel.

Taehyung was now beside his son, Jungkook turned back to him to show him how use the belt. One minute later, the car was gone.

Jungkook opened a little the car window to refresh the car, trying his best to make the experience the most pleasant for his passengers it could be.

It didn't take too long for the little boy to fall asleep, and from the rearview mirror, he could see the omega fight to stay awake.

-you can sleep Taehyung, it's ok, I will wake you up when we will arrive.

But the omega couldn't fall asleep, even if his lid were so heavy, he just couldn't drop his guard like that. He was always on the lookout, waiting for a shout, a slap, a punch... so, he nodded his head gently, fighting against the sleep but never gave up to it.

In more than one hour later, Jungkook told him they were arrived as he stopped the car before a wooden house.

-come outside, I am sure you need fresh air to keep your brain up ! 

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