Chapitre 2

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The young alpha felt measly climbing the stairs, surrounded by the poor omegas standing in that uncomfortable position maybe since hours...

He decided to go the washroom to get a grip on himself, already infuriate even though he didn't met Kim yet.

He followed the washroom pictogram, off course at the opposite end of the party room. Turning on his right, hoping he would arrive soon, he literally stopped on his feet at the sight of the two people in front of him. One was strangling a poor young man who couldn't move a finger, trapped between the wall and the other man.

Jungkook sighed because, really, this day got on his nerves. What was wrong with people here ??

-I told you every fucking day to not speak to me like that, omega! You are just allowed to bow and serve, understood?? Barked the man, a young alpha.

In a few steps, Jungkook was behind the attacker and didn't hesitate to push him on the side to free the young omega. The latter was almost passed out because of the man's grip on his throat, he was so blank and shaking, he was about to collapse but Jungkook kept him place, worried about the omega's condition. When the omega opened his eyes and looked wide eyes to Jungkook, the alpha stepped back, feeling the other must have been uncomfortable with alphas. But he didn't have the time to think more as the attacker came back, furious.

-what do you think you are doing ?? he spitted to Jungkook.

-and what do you think you are doing, asshole ? do you want to kill him ??

The man came closer, almost pushing him with his chest, making Jungkook chuckle because it was so puerile.

-I do what I want with my husband, understood ??

The alpha was trying to be intimidating but Jungkook didn't flinch, there weren't much thing he feared, and definitely not this alpha.

- hurting people isn't allowed, that's the first thing alphas learn . There are laws you must follow, and not hurting people is one of them. Especially if you are an alpha and he is an omega.

The man didn't seem to like his words but suddenly, he ran away, letting them alone in the hall.

-are you ok ? asked Jungkook.

The omega didn't answer, maybe always being in shock.

Understanding the state of the poor omega, Jungkook spoke as softly he could, to not adding more stress to the other.

-you can go to the washroom to pull yourself together, ok ? I will stay here, nobody will be allowed to come in as long as you decide it. You can go now, please ?

The omega nodded, his low head, not daring to look at the alpha. In a rush, he opened the door and loudly closed it.

Jungkook stood in front of door, feeling like a guard. He soon heard water flowing, and guessed it was a way to hide the omega's cries. But as an alpha, Jungkook could easily hear the sobs and angry words.

-I hate him I hate him so much ! the omega cries. I can't stand it anymore, I can't...

For a moment, Jungkook didn't hear anything but the water flowing, and it scared him a lot. What if the omega decided to hurt himself, he seemed so desperate.

But after some minutes, the door softly opened, and the omega was surprised to see the alpha here. It was the first time an alpha talked to him like that, normally. Like a normal person. Like a person. All his life he was told he was nothing. An omega. Just an omega. Nothing more, meaning nothing at all. This pack was a hell, his hell. That's why the alpha right before him intrigued him a lot. Slowly, the omega rose his head to look at the alpha, who could finally admire the beautiful omega. How could someone to be so beautiful? The blond omega was so handsome, all softness and shyness. His brown eyes were large, fringed with long eyelashes ; there were some moles here and there, brightening if possible his beauty, and there, there were his lips, his pink glossy attractive lips...

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