Chapitre 8

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After checking his son was always in sleep, Taehyung got out. He turned around to look at the houses. It was calm.

-is it your house ? the omega asked showing the wooden house.

-mmm no, it's my brother and his husband's house. They took care of my son while we were gone to your pack. And I need to take him with us, to our home. You can come to meet them if you want.

The omega shook his head, he preferred staying behind, observing the alpha and his family. He wanted to be sure the alpha was like he looked like : a good person. Maybe it was just a trap to bring the omega and his son in another hell. So, he waited to see how the younger would act with his family, especially with his son.

The alpha barely knocked the door than a small boy showed up from the house and jumped in Jungkook's arms. The latter was all smile, hugging his son and showered his face with kisses, making the little boy giggled a lot. And from far the omega was, he could definitely say the boy looked like a cute little bunny right now. Hearing some sniffing noises from the car, Taehyung ran to it and opened the door to calm his scared baby. Carefully, he took his son in his arms, rocking him to appease him. Soon, the baby cracked his head toward the house, intrigued by the father and son's giggles. For the first time in his life, Soobin stretched his hand to them, showing he wanted to see them. With big wide eyes, Taehyung brought him to the alpha and his son. Noticing it, Jungkook stopped to turn like a spinning-top, all focused on the omega and his baby.

With a smile, he talked to his son.

-hey Yeonjun, look, I want to introduce someone. This is Taehyung and baby Soobin.

-ohhhhhh Yeonjun stretched his arms like Soobin and in a second, the two children were hugging each other's, making their fathers speechless.

Yeonjun delicately kissed Soobin's cheek and said:

-welcome Soobina ! you are very cute, I think I love you already !

Suddenly shy, he whispered something in Jungkook's ear, making him laugh.

-Yes, he is beautiful, you are right, but you can tell him too.

-Taehyunggiehyungyouareverybeautiful, whispered the little boy.

Surprised, Taehyung opened his mouth and closed it like a fish. He thought the child was talking about his son, not him. It was the first time someone told him he was beautiful...

-euh....thank you Yeonjun, that's very sweet.

Taehyung was now relieved. Because Yeonjun seemed to love his father a lot, and he could see in Jungkook's eyes that was mutual.

-is he my new mama, dad ? asked suddenly Yeonjun.

-?wha...??? euww??? No ! Taehyung is... a friend, not your mom, choked Jungkook.

-but.... I want him to be my mama !!!

-but he is not Yeonnie. Don't say things like that, ok ?

The little boy was now pouting, because he really thought his dad had brought him a new mother. The real. Not the other who didn't know he existed. Maybe he would let this pass for the moment, he had a new friend now, Soobina was very cute, and he wanted to kiss his chubby cheeks again.

At this moment, a handsome man came out the house.

-oh Jungkookie, you're back ? and Yeonnie, I told you to not go outside without telling us !

Jungkook frowned to his son.

-Yeonnie. Look at me.

As the child looked up at his father, all pouting, Jungkook spoke with a very serious voice.

-Jin hyung is right, you can go out but only if you tell the adults. We already talked about this. Several times. I don't want to forbid you to go outside, but if you keep going on like that, I will have to do it. Is it what you want ?

-no dada... I am sorry... but I knew it was you, I could smell you !

-I know, but what about Jin and Namjoon ? they didn't know and were worrying because they didn't know where you were. That's why you must tell adults.

The little boy nodded, understanding his father's words.

-I promise I will listen to you dada, I will tell where I am going now.

-good. That's my big boy ! said Jungkook with a big smile.

While they had this little conversation, Taehyung hid behind the alpha, intimidate by the unknown alpha.

When Jungkook noticed it, he looked sternly at his hyung who was trying to see who the person behind him was.

-hyung, please... I will talk to you soon, ok ?

Jin huffed, a little bit upset because he wanted to introduce himself to the young shyly man, but he complied without a word and closed the door once in the house.

-come on Taehyung, we can go home now.

The fourth went to the car but Jungkook realized they would need another chair for a child... so he asked his son to sat beside Soobin while he ran to the house.

Some seconds later, he came back with a chair and once everyone well sat, Taehyung in the passenger seat, they went to the Jeon's house.

It took less than 5 minutes to reach it, a beautiful wooden house too.

Jungkook and his son led their guests to the entrance, happy to show where they lived.

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