Chapitre 12

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The tomorrow morning, Taehyung came to the kitchen, and was surprised by two older women.

As he bowed to them, the ladies cooed with little Soobina. They introduced themselves, as Malia and Rina. Without any embarrassment, they said they were here because of their abused husbands. As Taehyung asked them why there were no one else but them, they said sometimes some young omegas came, alone or with their children, but they didn't stay for a long time. Most of them were gone after one or two days, and generally without a goodbye. Youth nowadays...

Malia asked him how was their first night, and Taehyung didn't lie and told he didn't sleep well, worried about so many things, thinking at the same time he slept so well in Jungkook's house. But it was the afternoon, and he was exhausted. The ladies told them they always slept so well here, like babies !

Taehyung met the social worker, a woman in his fifties, not very friendly like if she disliked her job and wanted to run away from her office. She told him he could take an appointment with a doctor for him, and his son and she gave him a phone number to call for it. It would be a good idea to see a doctor to be sure everything was fine with his baby.

At the end of the day, he wished a good night to his neighbors and joined his room with a bottle of milk. Once well settled with Soobin in the sofa, he thought about his first day in the social care. He couldn't decipher the strange atmosphere of the place; something was weird but what ? the absence of other young omegas ? the women said it was because they found a better new place. Taehyung decided to stop racking his brain for probably nothing important. He focused on his son, his hands still kneading his breasts. That was the moment he realized his shirt was wet. Was the milk fault ? maybe. Once his baby almost asleep after his bottle, he changed his diaper and put him to bed. And he noticed how soaked his shirt was. The omega sighed, he needed to teach his son how to drink a bottle correctly... he took the clothe off and grabbed a new one, a Jungkook's one, when he saw some milky liquid flowing of his breast... with wide eyes he realized he was lactating ! how was it possible after so many months without feeding his son ?? he thought back on the way the little hands were kneading his breast since the day before. It might be explaining the fact he lactated. He could now feel the sensitivity of his breasts which were lightly filled. He decided to put a towel to absorb his milk and to not soak his clean shirt. The omega was all smile, happy even if it was a bit painful, because he was always wanted to breastfeed his baby, to make their bond growing up with this strong connection between mother and child. He was about to phone Jungkook to tell him the good new but stopped. Wouldn't it be weird ? because the omega clearly had rejected the alpha...

The omega thought about it for a long, long time when he chose to call the young alpha because he needed to talk with someone about this.

It was almost ten in the evening, how he didn't notice the late hour ?? he was about to hang off when he heard the alpha voice.

-Taehyung ?? are you fine ? is everything ok ? are you...

-I am fine !! don't worry ! I am sorry, I didn't see the late hour, I shouldn't ha...

-no, it's ok, I told you to call me whenever you wanted.


-so... how is it ? how is Soobina ?

-that's why I call you, I...

-is he sick ?? do you want me to call a doctor ??

Taehyung sighed; this alpha was so hurried to worry about them...

-Jungkookie, I told you everything was fine, don't be so worried please...

-sorry...mumbled the alpha

-so, I wanted to tell you I lactated ! it happened so suddenly, but I will be able to feed my son with my own milk !

-ooh... it's so amazing Taehyung, I am so happy for you, it's such good news ! I am happy you called me for that ... now, you can feed Soobina wherever you want, and it is better for him, obviously.

At this moment, Taehyung heard a noise, like someone was opening his door, but he was sure he had locked it, so what ?

Scared, the omega put the phone aside and straightened to check the door.

He stopped when he saw a man in the entrance. It was the watchman he was introduced with in the morning, Moji ?

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