"Hey, isn't that you, cousin?" Yoongi's voice cut through the tension, addressing Hoseok with a touch of familiarity. The four boys turned towards the unexpected interruption, their expressions shifting from hostility to confusion.

Hoseok's eyes widened as he locked gazes with Yoongi. As realization dawned on him that the older boy had come to his rescue, he wasted no time in stepping away from the group, swiftly enveloping Yoongi in a grateful hug.

"Hyung, it's so good to see you!" Hoseok exclaimed, relief evident in his voice. "How have you been?"

Returning the embrace with a comforting pat on Hoseok's back, Yoongi played along, his expression one of genuine concern. "I've been good! What brings you here? And who are these guys with you?"

Hoseok let out a laugh, a hint of mischief dancing in his eyes as he released himself from the embrace. "Oh, just some beggars in need of money," he quipped, his tone light despite the underlying tension.

With a subtle gesture, Min Yoongi reached into his pocket, retrieving a thousand won bill from his wallet. "Well, it looks like luck's on your side today," he remarked, addressing one of the bullies as he handed over the bill. "Consider it a token of my appreciation for keeping my cousin company. Now, why don't you all go find something more productive to do?"

As the tension thickened in the air, the four bullies, clearly displeased by the turn of events, begrudgingly accepted defeat. With Hoseok's "cousin" present, they had little choice but to swallow their pride and retreat, casting resentful glances over their shoulders as they departed. With the threat now gone, Jung Hoseok let out a sigh of relief. Turning to Min Yoongi, gratitude radiated from every fibre of his being as he performed a deep, respectful bow, a silent gesture of thanks that spoke volumes more than words ever could.

"Next time you see those assholes again, use hands." Min Yoongi advised Hoseok. He reached into his wallet again and handed over a ten thousand won bill, placing it gently into Hoseok's palm. "It looks like you've had a rough day. Treat yourself to something nice with this."

With those words of encouragement, Yoongi turned and made his way back to the restaurant, seeking shelter from the relentless rain. Watching him disappear into the distance, Jung Hoseok couldn't help but frown, a mix of emotions swirling within him. This stranger had shown him kindness in a moment of need, which had left an indelible mark on his heart.

In the weeks following their initial encounter, Min Yoongi couldn't help but notice Jung Hoseok's frequent visits to his workplace. The boy seemed to make a point of initiating small conversations whenever the opportunity arose, filling the air with his lively chatter. In contrast, Yoongi remained reserved, offering only brief responses, yet quietly appreciating Hoseok's presence nonetheless.

Through their interactions, Yoongi learned that Hoseok was a year younger than him, and that he was preparing to re-take the CSATs that year. Hoseok also told him that several days after their meeting behind the restaurant, he abruptly quit his job, which effectively severed the ties he had with his bullies for good. In a moment of vulnerability, Jung Hoseok expressed his desire to be friends with Yoongi. The notion took Yoongi by surprise; after all, he had never experienced friendship before, so he was unsure of how to navigate this new dynamic. Yet, for some reason, he couldn't bring himself to turn Hoseok away.

Meanwhile, the onset of the monsoon season brought with it a deluge of troubles for Min Yoongi. Nestled in a tiny semi-basement in Namgajwa-dong, he found himself at the mercy of the relentless downpour. That year, the rain seemed unyielding, wreaking havoc across the city and causing widespread flooding, particularly in low-lying areas like his own. Returning home from school one evening, Yoongi was met with a sight that filled him with dread. The sewage water had risen to waist-high levels, which transformed his apartment into a murky, watery grave. Everything he had brought with him from Daegu lay submerged in the filthy water, a cruel reminder of the fragility of his existence. In that moment, fear gripped Yoongi's heart as he grappled with the very real possibility of homelessness. With his belongings ruined and his place imperilled, he faced an uncertain future. Just like the persistent rain outside, the weight of despair bore down upon him.

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