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Chapter 11:

     "PROMISE ME YOU WON'T tell Mom and Dad," Yoon Seora pleaded, her voice barely audible in the quiet of the night

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"PROMISE ME YOU WON'T tell Mom and Dad," Yoon Seora pleaded, her voice barely audible in the quiet of the night. It had been a few hours since their return from the festival, and the weight of Seora's secret hung in the air. The nineteen year old sat at the edge of her bed, facing Solbitna's dorsal, who was engrossed in a comic book at her desk.

Without looking up, Solbitna chuckled sarcastically.

"What's so funny?" The sister furrowed her brows.

"It's just strange how you only talk to me nicely when we're around others or when you need something from me," Solbitna retorted.

Seora sighed, her eyes infused with desperation and sincerity. "Just do me a favor. Please."

The seventeen year old closed her book and turned to face her sister. With a sardonic grin, she replied, "Oh, don't worry. I'm not planning on snitching. Wouldn't want Mom and Dad to discover that their favorite, perfect, virtuous daughter is secretly addicted to smoking."

"Watch your mouth. I am not an addict," Yoon Seora asserted in defence.

Earlier at Yonsei, Solbitna had worn a look of displeasure when she discovered her sister's secret habit. However, now, as the girl rose to her feet and casually plopped onto her bed, Seora couldn't help but notice a surprising ease in her demeanor. It was as if the initial shock had settled, and Solbitna was processing the revelation with a newfound acceptance.

"You'll get there at some point." The seventeen year old quipped, tucking herself into bed. "How long have you been doing this to yourself, anyway?"

Yoon Seora hesitated for a moment before answering, "I started in 10th grade." There was a sense of resignation in her tone as she spoke, like she finally gave up on concealing this part of herself.

Solbitna, reclining comfortably on her bed, chuckled softly—a touch of disbelief in her laughter. "You're fucking crazy, Unnie. What even made you do this?"

A long moment of silence enveloped the room, leaving Solbitna to watch her sister's back in thoughtful contemplation. Eventually, she sighed and shook her head, fully aware that the girl wasn't going to blurt a word about her personal life. "Nevermind," the second born interrupted, her tone carrying a fusion of submission and avoidance. "You don't need to tell me. I don't wanna hear it anymore."

Weeks passed swiftly since the Muak Festival came to an end. During that weekend, the boarding house experienced a short-lived silence from morning to midnight as the tenants were away, savoring quality moments at the festival. On the final night of the festival, Park Jimin was exceptionally hyper. According to him, a divine stroke of luck had granted him the chance to encounter Chae Ryung once more, indicating that the heavens had answered his prayer. That evening, Chae Ryung took center stage as one of the front cheerleaders at the stadium, leading the vibrant cheer event alongside hundreds of enthusiastic Yonseians.

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