The End (Bonus Chapter 2)

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       Fawn found herself at the Ministry, staring at the new statue of Regulus Black. Peter's statue had been put in a few years prior and now, after months of begging, the youngest Black now had his rightful memorial. She had taken the day off, not stating much of a reason but was insistent that curse-breaking would have to wait. Bill Weasley took her place that day and she was grateful for that.

      "So what exactly did Regulus Black do to get a statue again?" asked Ron. The Marauders and golden sestet had all come together for this day.

      Refusing to take her gaze away from the boy who saved her and her friends' life, Fawn answered. "He destroyed Voldemort's horcruxes. He's the reason the war ended."

      "But my parents and I actually killed him," Harry said.

      "There was so much more that went into it Harry," Fawn sighed, leaning back to get a better angle of the man she'd never see again, forever immortalized in carved marble. "I'm glad you don't understand."

      "You speak as though you were there," Sawyer joked, crouching down to join his girlfriend. Over the years he had learned Fawn's ways.

      She spoke cryptically and seemed to live in a constant state of nostalgia and reminiscence. Sybil Trelawny had always said that Fawn had an old soul, that she'd been there before. The group rolled their eyes at this and made quick-witted quips but Fawn never joined them. Instead, her gaze would soften and a smile would graze her features. No one ever asked. She was strange. That was what made her, her.

      Fawn leaned into Sawyer's shoulder, sighing softly. "I was," she whispered, only loud enough for him to hear.

      Fawn had decided it was time. Time for someone to know the truth. She did not think Harry would benefit from knowing, nor would Hermione or Ron. They wouldn't believe her. Probably assume she'd gone looney like Luna. Hermione would spew facts and reason and Ron would only laugh. Sawyer however, seemed to understand her. At least, he tried to. 

      He turned to her, dark gray eyes softly bearing into her own, an eyebrow raised but not judging.

      "Yeah, I swear you're like Trelawny sometimes, all cryptic and shit" Ron interjected before Sawyer could respond.

      "Oh hush Ronald," Hermione scolded, "Don't be rude."

      The brunette girl chuckled softly, subtly intertwining a pinky with Sawyer's. She gazed around the Ministry, unchanged in appearance even after nearly three decades of time jumping.

      Marble flooring shone from the fresh mopping done to it that morning, reflecting light coming from the large, rounded windows that were on every wall, facing the streets of London, invisible to Muggle passer-byers. A few posters were pinned to a bulletin board stating new changes and opportunities, one including the statue addition of Regulus Arcturus Black 3 with a short blurb about his contributions to the Wizarding War. Ministry staff passed through the lobby, unfazed by the group of young adults ogling at the going-ons around them.

      Regulus would have been so pleased to see the changes made to the political state of things. Not perfect by any means, it never would be, but so many more freedoms had been awarded to those who were suffering in the past.

      More needed to be done. There would always be more problems, more things to be changed. Still, Regulus would be glad to see that Muggleborns were treated with fairness and respect, that Purebloods – while still revered to an extent – did not hold all the power in wizarding society these days.

      House Elves and Werewolves were paid and allowed to live on their own without restrictions other than a few safety measures during the moons.

      He would have made great changes in the Ministry. It would not have surprised Fawn if Regulus had become Minister for Magic if he'd been able to live long enough to reach his thirties.

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