Charaters/ Falling

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Sirius Black
Regulus Black
Fawn Briggs (OC)
Lily Evans
Alice Fortescue
Remus Lupin
Marlene McKinnon
Dorcas Meadows
Peter Pettigrew
James Potter


Ministry 1996 / Summer 1976

  Chaos was happening all around, a stunned Neville was apologizing to Harry profusely for dropping the prophecy, on the other side of the room Dumbledore had just apparated, neither of which captured Fawn Briggs' attention; Bellatrix Lestrange and Sirius Black were battling, unaware of anything else going on around them.

  A sinking feeling surrounded her; something bad was going to happen. Without thinking, Fawn ran forward and pushed Sirius out of the way at the same time that a stunner flew in their direction. Sirius flew to the side of the Veil while Fawn felt herself get pushed back suddenly by the spells' force.

  A scream split the air. Fawn was unable to tell to whom it belonged but it didn't really matter, she was more distracted by the fact that she found herself tumbling through the Veil.

  She expected to end up in some floating limbo, to be greeted by grandparents and other ancestors she'd never been given the chance to meet. Certainly not with what actually happened: She somersaulted through the space for a moment before hitting the cold hard ground.

She had face-planted onto stone tiles.

  Lifting herself up, she took in her surroundings; the peculiar part—other than the fact that she was alive—was that she had fallen straight back out of the veil the way she'd fallen in. However, instead of the battle that had just been occurring, the room was eerily silent and empty.

  The time seemed the same. Far into the night, the room had the feeling of when she walked after hours through the fluorescent lit hallways of the Muggle primary school she had attended in her youth.

  'Maybe I am dead,' she thought. Maybe when you die, you end up staying where you took your last breath.

It didn't make much sense, but then again, falling through a 'haunted veil' and surviving after sacrificing yourself for your best friends' godfather didn't make much sense either.

  "I must be going mental," she murmured, her voice echoing much louder in the scarce room.

  After taking a moment to collect herself, Fawn decided to go back the way she'd come. No, not through the Veil again, she was smart enough to know that would only cause more harm than good. Instead she meant going back to the Ministry entrance and hopefully a way back to Hogwarts. Perhaps it had only been a couple hours.

  After many minutes of wandering she found herself back in the Ministry lobby. That too was empty.

  "Of course," she muttered. It was well past midnight at this point, obviously no one would be working at this late an hour.

  If only she were seventeen she thought, then she could Floo to Hogwarts. Scratch that,  Umbridge may be gone but she wasn't sure if the Floo networks were intact or still being closely monitored. Never mind thinking about Apparition, even if she were of age, she would only be able to get as far as Hogsmeade and the trek from there back to the castle sounded far too exhausting for the girl who had nearly just faced death.

She threw up her hands in frustration. "I'm screwed."

  With that lovely realization she decided to camp out in the Ministry and hope that someone would be willing to help her in the morning.

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