A Spy for the Order

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"Regulus Black?"

The boy looked up to see a small Hufflepuff holding out a note to him with shaky hands. A few other Slytherins at the table snickered at the young girl.


She shoved the note into his hands and scurried away not sparing a glance back for the scary upperclassmen.

It was the Thursday before the Christmas holidays; aka NEWTS week. Today Regulus had Potions at ten and Astronomy later that night.

He unfurled the parchment, instantly recognizing Dumbledore's handwriting. The man was requesting to meet Regulus in his office that afternoon at four. What did the Headmaster possibly want with him?

"What does the note say?" Amycus asked, attempting to peer over Regulus' shoulder.

  Regulus hastily shoved the note into his robe pocket. "Nothing important."

  Amycus scoffed. "Pretty secretive for being unimportant."

   "I don't need to explain myself to you, Carrow." Regulus shoved his plate away, stepped over the bench and strutted with purpose out of the hall.

At four sharp, the raven-haired boy knocked on the office door. He still had no clue what Dumbledore wanted but couldn't see it ending well.

"Come in," his calm, deep voice called from inside.

Regulus had never been inside Dumbledore's office before. It was rather dark, covered with strange objects and books. A Pensive sat in the corner next to a perch that held a phoenix. What he'd give to spend a day exploring here. A large glass-stained window welcomed a kaleidoscope of colors into the room and onto the floor. Dust particles floated in the light. Regulus had never seen anything so majestic before.

"Mr. Black." Alas his gaping had to come to end and he faced the powerful, elderly wizard who'd extended the invasion.


Dumbledore waved his wand and a chair appeared in front of the desk. "Please, have a seat." Regulus obliged but a bad feeling covered him with the action. He wiped his hands on his trousers, staring at Dumbledore determinedly.

"You must be wondering why I have called you here, Mr. Black."

  Regulus swallowed and nodded. "Yes, sir."

   "I've heard you left home." That had happened two years ago. Why on earth was he bringing that up now?


   "Would you be willing to return?"

Regulus' chest restricted painfully, his breathing becoming shallow. No, he thought. No. No.

"How do you mean?"

  The old man's eyes twinkled knowingly, a small smile twitching onto his lips. "I'm sure you've heard of the Order of the Phoenix." Although phrased as a question, it was a statement more than anything. Regulus nodded again.

"Good," Dumbledore said. He pulled a large folder from a drawer. "As you know, we have dozens of members from three of the four houses here at Hogwarts as well as some from other wizarding institutions."

What was he getting at? How did this involve Regulus? Regulus' fingers curled into his palms, instantly wishing to escape.

The Headmaster's gaze never stopped piercing into the seventeen-year-old boy. "But," he continued, his knowing smile stretching, "what we lack... is a spy."

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