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A knock sounded outside of Fawn's bedroom door. She had heard four voices downstairs earlier but was too tired and stressed to go down and greet the company.

The year was coming to an end, already December had fallen among them. The flat was decorated with Muggle Christmas lights and had a perpetual smell of nutmeg and cinnamon. Sirius sang terrible renditions of holiday songs on the daily. Remus was gone some days, still trying to recruit the werewolves despite telling Dumbledore that it was not working.

The horcrux hunt had come to a stand-still. Regulus reckoned that there was another in his cousin Bellatrix's vault; Hufflepuff's cup and perhaps the missing Diadem of Ravenclaw could be one as well.

Both were too tired to bother anymore. The war was raging, Fawn, despite it having been over a month, was still weak and recovering, Regulus was stuck inside Grimmauld Place watching as Voldemort stressed over the weakening of his soul.

Voldemort knew the horcruxes were being destroyed. He could feel it.

Every member of the Death-Eaters were questioned severely, some were tortured. Regulus was tortured the worst. It seemed the Dark Lord was catching on to Regulus' disloyalty. Scars stretched along his body and he was frail now, like Fawn. Destroying the rest of Voldemort's horcruxes would need to wait until the pair were strong enough to face the curses again.

"Come in," Fawn answered as she wrote a report on her latest Curse-Breaking mission.

The doors creaked open to reveal a tall dark brunet man with square-framed glasses and a shorter red-head with vibrant green eyes. Fawn smiled at the two softly. "Hey," she greeted them, "I haven't seen you two in a while."

It was true, after the Halloween party the Order members had been swamped, she hadn't seen any of them, save for Remus and Sirius in over a month.

James made himself comfortable on Fawn's bed while Lily chose to continue standing, her hands wringing together nervously.

"Is everything okay?" Lily sighed and shook her head slightly. Her right hand subconsciously went to rest on her still-flat stomach. She shared a glance with James who gave an encouraging nod. Fawn had pieced it together by now.

"We're—Well I'm—pregnant," whispered Lily.

   "We figured you probably already knew about this?" asked James.

Fawn smiled softly with regret. "Yeah, I did."

The pair stared at her in anticipation at her reluctance. It hurt to know what the future held for Harry Potter. Hopefully the future could be changed enough to avoid that fate but there was no way to know right now. The young couple who were so in love still had a long, long road ahead of them.

"Are you okay?"

Fawn hadn't realized she was crying until James spoke. The stray tear was wiped away and she nodded. "Yes, sorry, just-memories."

"You knew our child?"

  Fawn nodded again and let out a watery laugh. "He was one of my best friends."

James smiled widely. "He? We're having a boy?"

   Lily rolled her eyes and hit his arm teasingly. "That's what you care about right now?"

  "We're having a boy!" The pair kissed deeply and Fawn turned her head away, preferring to look out the window instead.

Lily finally came to sit next to Fawn, transfiguring the laundry basket into a chair. "You said the reason you were sent here was to change something involving us," Lily said cautiously. "I know you probably can't reveal too much just for safety reasons, but does any of it involve him?" she motioned to her stomach. Lily's expression was pleading, she needed to if her son was going to grow up safe and loved.

Fawn wanted to tell Lily and James everything. She wanted them to run away, far away, and protect him forever but she couldn't. Deep down the Potter couple knew this.

Fawn's Muggle pen clicked a few times as she thought of what to say. The prophecy hadn't been made quite yet, thankfully, but it would be soon. Still, no one knew what the prophecy said and that terrified her. She didn't look up.

"Most of it does," she revealed slowly, "I'm sorry."

They were silent. The news crashed over them. What did an infant have to do with all of this?

James stood and walked over to Lily, wrapping his arms protectively around her. All he could do at that moment was protect his wife. He would protect Lily if it was the last thing he did. In the current timeline, it was.

"Does- Does he die?"

  "No!" The answer was sharp, quick, maybe too harsh.

Fawn cleared her throat. "Sorry for that," she muttered, "he doesn't die. But you have to remember the last time I saw him I was sixteen, I don't know what has, or what was supposed to happen after that."

  They understood. Fawn's future was uncertain now, that timeline most-likely didn't even exist anymore.

They could see the worry in her expression, the tension in her body because she didn't know. It killed Fawn to not know. She was no Ravenclaw, no Hermione Granger, but for once she wished she could know what was happening now that she wasn't in nineteen ninety-six. Sometimes the weight of the world rested solely on her shoulders and made her sick with anxiety. She didn't know and that killed her.

"It's okay," said James, resting a hand on Fawn's shoulder, "We just thank you for what you're trying to do. I don't know what exactly your mission is but I know you won't let us down."

Lily nodded. "exactly, we know you'll keep him safe."

The pair shared a look and when they asked Fawn to be the godmother, Fawn was caught off guard for the first time in months. When she refused, saying she would have to go back, the Potters were upset but understood. They'd ask Alice instead.

Fawn told them that when she completed her mission she'd be sent back instantly, there would be no time for goodbyes. Being Harry's godmother just wasn't fathomable, although she was touched to the deepest part of her soul to have been considered.

"Will you be sixteen when you go back?"

   "I don't know."

The case of Williamson never explained his age. They said he looked older but looking and being were two very different things. How would Fawn live in the nineties when her friends were now four years younger than she, if she ever returned to the nineties at all?

The Potters and Fawn continued talking but eventually it faded out as Fawn wasn't able to say much more on the matter. They seemed at peace though which was all she could ask for. She could only ask that their faith in her remained.

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