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"Finally we can get out of this shit hole," Amycus Carrow declared.

It was graduation day. The quidditch stadium was packed with family and friends of those graduating and the school was abuzz with excitement. The sun was shining brightly adding to the happiness of the day.

Regulus knew that his parents; Walburga and Orion Black would be there, along with Aunt Druella, Uncle Cygnus, Rodolphus, Bellatrix and Rabastan Lestrange, Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy. Yes, all these people were family by some account but none would be greeting the youngest Black with toothy grins or proud congratulations.

The dormitory that Regulus had spent the last seven years of his life living in was barren. The trunks had already been sent away to where each student would be residing for the summer and the blankets and pillows of the beds were stripped away to be cleaned by the Hogwarts house-elves.

Regulus didn't respond to Amycus. Not that he wanted a response anyway. The young man was fixing his hair while admiring himself in the mirror. His sleeves were pushed up for the time being so he could show off his new Dark Mark before the ceremony began.

Regulus shivered. The knowledge that there were people, real people, who were genuinely devoted to the cause of obliterating all Muggleborns from Great Britain or rather, the world in general, was revolting.

Sure, Regulus had to admit he had been a fan of the idea in his younger years, but, by the time he saw how regular people like Lily Evans were treated despite being insanely smart and talented, he knew the views he'd grown up with couldn't be quite right. It took him a while after that to truly oppose the idea of blood-supremacy, after all he had been raised with the ideology being pushed down his throat, but once he finally came to terms with the immorality of it all, he couldn't understand how others could sit by and watch with a smile on the faces.

When Sirius had come home that first summer talking about James Potter, Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew, looking happier than ever before despite the boys being blood-traitors, Regulus knew that it couldn't just be an act that his brother was putting up to piss off their parents. No, Sirius genuinely loved his fellow house-mates and although the churn of jealousy made Regulus want to hate them, he couldn't.

When he himself had finally arrived at Hogwarts and had been invited—practically dragged—to sit with the four on the train, he realized that, although annoying, they made Sirius happy and were fairly nice.

Remus had spent the ride reading a Muggle book, Peter ate and shared chocolate frogs and Bertie Botts and Sirius and James just joked and smiled and Regulus had never known his brother to be so happy and carefree. So how could those boys be bad if they brought his older brother happiness?

Then, as the years passed, he noticed Muggleborns exceeding in classes, some even getting higher marks than Regulus himself.

Take Dirk Cresswell for example, the boy was a Muggle born and in Hufflepuff, two strikes against him already, yet he was surpassing Regulus in both Herbology and Charms so how could he be unworthy of having a place at Hogwarts or in the greater wizarding world?

Besides, the excuse his parents always gave when questioned by Sirius, besides the Cruciatus curse, was to say Muggles had stolen their magic but that made no sense at all. That wasn't a thing that was possible. People could be drained of their magic from using powerful spells that exhausted their magical core or become an Obscurus from hiding it within themselves, but magic couldn't be transferred, at least, not without a certain process in which both parties were consenting.

Besides, how would Muggles even know how to go about stealing magic in the first place? They were Muggles! Yes, there were fairy tales that spoke of such beings as Wizards, Witches and the like, but none of them were accurate from what Regulus had found and certainly never gave a step by step process of how to steal such power. The entire idea was ludicrous and Regulus was ashamed that it took him nearly fourteen years to finally realize just how completely brainwashed and mental the Pureblood Wizarding world was.

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