Candonton the Great

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  Chapter Eight; Ministry Experiments in Time Travel.

  Fawn puffed out a breath of relief. Finally! Between NEWTS Year, Quidditch and pranks, it had taken a lot longer than previously expected to comb through the tome's pages for answers.

  It was now late November, fresh flurries were beckoning students outside to escape from mid-year examinations and the fire in the common room was tempting but alas studying was required.

  Pages of parchment were spread haphazardly across the scratched and weathered hardwood desk, dappled by sunspots which distracted the brunette from focusing on either of the two tasks in front of her. The pungent scent of ink hung heavily in the air mixing with the dust which did nothing good for the girl's allergies.

  Oh how nice the holidays would be next month!

  "The Ministry of Magic's Department of Restricted Travel has been carefully examining vessels of travel through time which could be harnessed without the use of a Time-Turner or other direct magical uses."

  That much was obvious, the Ministry loved to hide things from the public.

   "The Department of Mysteries had partnered with the Department of Restricted Travel to uncover the secrets of time and the universe."

  Yes, again that much was known. What wasn't known is if this information would lead to any relevance to Fawn's case.

  "One such Mystery that may be the answer to time, death and the universe is The Veil held in the Department of Mysteries' Death Chamber. It is said that dead souls try to communicate if a living person comes too close. The Veil has an unknown magical property in which it may try to beguile the living into falling into it, instantly sucking the life from the individual. The Veil is a one way ticket to death there is no way to return. Similar to the Killing Curse, there is no cure from death by The Veil nor is there a way to acquire a fallen body without losing ones life."

  Well that was dark. Good thing Sirius hadn't faced such a dreadful fate.

  Did that mean she was dead? Was Fawn Briggs no longer living? She had, after all, fallen through The Veil that night. This would be a valid explanation if it weren't for the fact that those such as Remus Lupin, Sybil Trewlany, Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew were still very much alive in Fawn's time. If she were truly dead then only those of whom had also separated from the living realm would be around her. Besides, those who were dead seemed conscious of that fact. All the Hogwarts ghosts, save for Professor Binns, were aware that their mortality had expired and after Cedric Diggory had been murdered, he had told Harry to bring his body back. The dead were aware, not ignorant, but Fawn still was certain of her current mortality. This was completely puzzling.


  Oh good, there was a turn, another option, this was the ticket.

  "there has been one occurrence that contradicts The Veil's soul purpose that has had Unspeakables questioning for upwards of a century now."

  Okay, get to the point book, Fawn thought, I don't have all day!

  "In November of 1745 Unspeakable and Alchemist; John Alfred Thomas Williamson of York (Born June 28, 1708) whom was a Ravenclaw student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from 1719 - 1726 fell through The Veil. He was spit out from The Veil only a second later looking haggard but otherwise perfectly intact."

  So Fawn wasn't dead, lovely. What on earth had happened to this John dude though?

  "Williamson claimed that he had been transported to the year 1718 in which a dark wizard by the name of Candonton the Great was wreaking havoc on the wizarding world working towards world domination desiring to become more powerful than Merlin himself.
  "He was one the search for The Deathly Hallows based off of the Tale of the Three Brothers which consists of the Resurrection Stone, Cloak of Invisibility and Elder Wand to overthrow death itself.

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