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The months passed with nothing to report. Regulus had been kicked out of his friend group, who really weren't much for friends anyway, and now spent most of his time with the sixth-year Gryffindors. He had been a tremendous help to Fawn, showing her all the right books that could help her situation without nosing into it more than she allowed.

Remus still hadn't told Fawn about his 'furry little problem' but she figured that was the least of her problems.

It was now May, May second to be exact. This day happened to be Fawn's birthday though she had somehow managed to tell no one besides Regulus about this fact. Birthdays were never of much importance, she didn't know why but they simply just hadn't been. Because of this, there was no desire for a party or to be showered with presents making it wonderful that nobody knew.

The Monday crawled by with classes that Fawn wished she didn't have to be present for. Luckily she had Divination today, which was simply ironic. The 'predictions' Fawn made were always praised by the Professor and caused some to stare at her wide-eyed at her 'gift.'

"What does mine say?" asked Remus, pushing his tea cup over.

Fawn pondered, frowning when she saw that his cup really did describe something of his future. "You will have an opportunity to do something you've always wanted to do but it won't last long as something out of your control will ruin it."

Remus slumped into his seat, his eyes darkening in pain. He scoffed sadly. "Of course, thanks Fawn."

   Fawn sent him a regretful smile. "I'm sorry Remus, maybe things will change." She risked saying something that might give her away but was worth it in the long run. "Just remember the Wolfsbane."

His brows furrowed in confusion. "What does that mean?"

   She shrugged a teasing smirk lightening her features. "Don't question The Sight Lupin." He laughed, relaxing as he realized she was only joking around.

"My turn," she grinned, switching her cup over to him.

He groaned, he only continued Divination because it was easy not because he was any good at the art. After many minutes of contemplation and flipping pages in the assigned book for the year he reached a hesitant conclusion.

"Change," he said, "It seems there will be a lot of change, I can't tell what but it seems good."

She chuckled softly knowing all too well what the changes were. "Thanks Rem."

   "What's funny?" he was grinning at her, eyes sparkling as if he knew something.

  "Oh nothing."

"Maybe this has to do with the fact that it's your birthday?"

   "Remus John Lupin!" she gasped, involuntarily whacking the boy along the arm, "How on earth did you figure that out?"

  "Don't question The Sight Fawn."

   She glared at him for using her own quip against her. "You're awful," she muttered.

  "No I'm not."

  "You were nicer as an adult."

She gulped loudly when she realized what had just slipped through her lips. This was bad. Maybe Remus knowing wouldn't be awful but any more than him and Regulus and the whole plan of saving James and Lily could be ruined.

"What does that—"

A cup crashed to the ground as a very stricken Alice stood up, blood drained from her face as she rushed out of the classroom mumbling something about needing Madam Pomfrey on the way out.

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