I'm Ready

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  Fawn entered the Marauders dorm room the next day ready to let hell break loose. This would be the first change to the timeline, there was no way to tell what butterfly effects there would be from it.

  Remus was reading, cuddled up in an oversized jumper on his bed while Sirius, James and Peter were huddled together, whispering and giggling over what was mostly likely a prank of some sort.

  "Hope I'm not interrupting anything," Fawn said with a smile as the boys turned to her.

  Sirius flashed her a grin. "Not at all Fawnie, to what do we owe the pleasure?"

  She stepped further into the dormitory admiring the dozens of photos and other memorabilia tacked to walls. "I'm going to Slughorn's Party with Regulus."

  The words fell heavily on the boys' room. Sirius' eyes narrowed, his posture straightening as he glared at the girl before him. "What do you mean?"

  She took a breath, her voice even. "You heard me."


   "I want to help him."

   Sirius laughed bitterly, neck cracking as he rolled it. "Right because going to party with a Gryffindor bird is going to help him so much." He was worried, not angry, but had no way of effectively conveying this so he lashed out instead. It was all Sirius had known.

  "He wants to leave, Sirius. I offered him help. He said he'd accept it if I went with him. This is important, you know it is."

  Sirius did know, but didn't keep the doubts from enclosing him. "How do you plan on helping him?"

  "You and James have those two-way mirrors right?"

   He nodded, unsure of how Fawn knew about them or why it mattered. "Yes, of course, why?"

   "Give one to Regulus. He can use it to communicate with you when he's ready to escape. You're old enough to apparate, you can get him and bring him back to Potters," she paused, waiting for Sirius' reaction, "What do you say?"

  The older boy nodded again, it was crazy enough that it might just work. "I'm in."


  The girls had a great time together as they got ready. Marlene gave the best fashion advice, Lily was in charge of makeup and Alice did hair, Fawn wasn't great at any of it but had fun with the processes. Marlene wasn't going, she wasn't in the club nor had she been asked by anyone 'worthy of her presence' so she just enjoyed the excitement of the evening.

  Many minutes were spent gossiping about how Lily had asked Potter. She kept saying he was only a last resort but clearly there was more to it than that. Fawn tried to play wing-woman but Lily quickly shut her down.

  "I can figure out if I think Potter is good on my own Fawn," she said, "Though I appreciate the effort."

  Soon enough they were ready, walking into the Common Room where Lily would meet her date and the others would just walk down with them.

  Fawn's dress was long-sleeved, deep emerald green, satin with a neckline that came up to mid-chest. She'd chosen it for the sake of the boy she'd be accompanying.

  James was gawking at Lily as she neared him in her maroon gown, he swore that he'd never seen a more beautiful sight.

  "Y-You look beautiful Evans."

  Lily smiled, her foundation hiding what would have undoubtedly been a blush. "Thank you Potter, you don't look half-bad yourself."

  "Yeah, we all look great, can we go?"

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