I love him but our marriage was getting painful and I don't want to hurt him anymore.

I can't even understand why Gio would want to stick around after that.

It's been about three weeks since I asked for a divorce and I haven't seen him once.

"Do you still have that appointment tomorrow?" Dom asks.

"What appointment?" I ask.  I don't share stuff like that with Dom, too personal.

"Your egg retrieval." He chokes out.

See, too personal.

I completely forgot about that appointment. Gio and I set it a few days after my last miscarriage.

"Um... I mean I still have it." I tell Dom.

"You should go." He tells me.

Like he understands.

"My wife and I did surrogacy, she is also infertile." He tells me.

Right well I guess he does understand.

"You're married?" I ask. "Wait you have a child?" I question. Fuck, I really don't know this man.

"Two, both through surrogacy, I've been married to my wife for 9 years. I have two daughters, one 7 and one 3." He tells me.

"Doesn't make them any less mine or any less my wife's because someone else gave birth to them." He doesn't say anything else after that.

Someone has been listening to Gio and i's arguments.

It's about 3am right now. I can't sleep, haven't been able to since Gio left.

I find myself pulling on my robe over my nightgown.

I just want to see him, see if he's okay. If I didn't have to end us, I wouldn't have.

I slip on my slippers and head outside the front of the house.

I catch a glimpse of him in the security office out the front.

He's okay, he's good.

He sees me too.

He steps out of his the panel and takes a slow walk over to me.

I haven't seen my husband/ love of my life in three weeks.

Now he's stood making his way towards me.

"Amara." He says coming over to me.

"Giovanni." I say as he stops in front of me.

I see a clear version of him now.

He's still in his black suit from the work day, his eyes are red and his bags are so prominent under his eyes.

"You look awful." I tell him.

"I thought you told me I'd always be handsome." He says and lets out a chuckle.

Deflecting, like always.

"You will be, besides the point though." I tell him.

"Are you high?" I ask looking directly at his eyes.

"Don't get high without my wife's permission." He says.

Oh fucking hell.

"What's wrong with your eyes then?" I ask with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm tired." He tells me.

"Have you been sleeping?" I ask him.

"No." He answers honestly.

"Do you want to come in and get some rest?" I offer.

"In with you?" He asks and I can see the hope in his eyes.

"You can sleep in our room and I'll sleep in a guest room." I offer.

"Oh no better not." He shakes his head for no.

"Gio if you haven't been sleeping and coming inside might help you sleep, just come inside." I tell him.

"No. You should head back inside." He tells me.

"Gio." I sigh and shake my head.

"Do you miss me?" He asks.

"Gio let's not right now. If you want to come in asleep, there are plenty of rooms." I tell him before turning around and heading back to my room.

It's so empty without him.

Three weeks of hell.

How long will it take till I can sleep in a bed and not care that he's not on the other side of it.

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