Metalhead Rewired

Depuis le début

"Uh, are you sure plugging Metalhead Into unknown Kraang tech is a good idea?" I asked. 

"Trust me, Leo, the Kraang processor in Metalhead. Makes him perfectly compatible with their computers. What could go wrong?" Donnie stated. 

Metalhead explodes, sending us flying. The explosion was nothing left of the console and vending machine.

"Great, Donnie. Great. Not only did we lose the Kraang, but Metalhead blew up our only clue to where they went." Leo stated. 

"Even worse, he blew up my super macho burrito." Mikey stated. 

"It must've been some kind of energy surge. You okay, little buddy?" Donnie asked. 

Metalhead looks at him and nods. Only for his fist to rocket off. and hits Mikey.

"Seems fine to me." I stated. 

"Can we go home now, please?" Mikey asked. 

"What about the Kraang?" Leo asked. 

"What about 'em? Spider Bytez is their problem now." Raph stated. 

"But what did they want with him?" I asked. 

Donnie looks at Metalhead. Later back at the lab. Donnie plugged Metalhead to see if his software was affected.

"Metalhead's memory core isn't too badly damaged. Stop it, Mikey. It seems that the Kraang security algorithms were too complex to decrypt." Donnie stated. 

"Less science-y, more English-y." Raph stated. 

"I should be able to retrieve. What he downloaded from the Kraang computer. Mikey! He might take a little time to fix, though." Donnie stated. 

"How long?" Leo asked. 

"Well, in technical terms.. A while. Duck!" Donnie exclaimed. 

They dodged the fists and Mikey gets knocked by them. After a while, in the living room.

"We know the Kraang rebuilt T.C.R.I. What if they got the portal working again?" Donnie asked. 

"That's what we need to find out. Ah! How's it going, Donnie?" I asked. 

"Not bad! GAAHH!! WAAH!! WAHAHA!! YAAAHH!!" Donnie exclaimed as he caught himself on fire.

"Okay, Donnie. It's late. Give it a rest." I stated. 

"I've almost got it. Just working out the bugs. Whoa!" Donnie exclaimed. 

A loud explosion as Donnie goes back to the lab.

"Donnie. You got to shut down his A. I." Leo stated. 

"Shut down his A. I.? But that would be like turning off his brain." Donnie stated. 

"Leo's right, Donnie, he's just too dangerous." I stated. 

"We need him, you two. The Kraang and the foot are armed up more than ever." Donnie stated. 

"It's not worth the risk. Metalhead was glitchy before he plugged Into that Kraang computer. He was taken over by the Kraang once already. Are you sure you can trust him?" I asked. 

"Maybe you're right. I'll take care of it." Donnie stated. 

"Sorry, Donnie." Leo and I stated in unison as we went to the living room. 

[Then we hear noises from the lab so we enter the lab and saw Donnie his head in the water.

"Donnie, what are you doing?" Raph asked. 

"Yeah, dude, you know better than to go algae diving without a spotter." Mikey stated. 

I pulled Donnie out and saw Metalhead close the door on us.

TMNT 2012: Y/n HamatoOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant