Rose tilts her head and penetrates deeper with her tongue. She sighs loudly when, running her hands under her T-shirt, she touches Jennie's stomach, which at that moment digs her nails into her back.

Jennie could have closed the door, taken her roommate to the bed and undressed, but instead she stands and thinks about her insides, which are literally melting with emotion. She is surprised at what she feels, how her body reacts to ordinary touches to her stomach, at the bottom of which something painfully twists and seems to pull down. She hears her breathing, which she wants to calm down, control, and at least become quieter for a couple of seconds, not suffocate. She always gave an account of everything she felt and did. If she breathes, it means she wants to breathe, if she touches, it means she does it intentionally, and now her body seems to live its own life, and she just watches as her hands convulsively grab Rose's back, as her fingers impatiently explore her hot, delicate skin. The mouth opens, the lungs require more air — even more.

Park bites her lip, and Jennie involuntarily moans.

-Wait.- Jennie pushes the girl away from her, and Rose stops, but doesn't move away.

-What is it?- She asks through rapid breathing.

Jennie's eyes run over the blonde's flushed face. Rose's eyes are cloudy, her pupils are dilated, which means she didn't take the pills. Jennie doesn't know why she needs this information. She doesn't know why she stopped everything. Why are her hands shaking now, and her heart is pounding like crazy in her chest. She feels a drop trickling down her temple. Is that sweat?! Kim touches her forehead with a shaking hand, which she hardly feels, because it is wet and hot. Rose is watching her, but patiently waiting for a decision or an answer.

Kim looks at the girl so intently, as if he wants to get all the answers from her.

She wants Rose more than anyone. That's the point. That explains everything. Can't everyone be treated equally prudently and consumeristically? She met a girl who excites her more than others, who interests her more in many ways. And here she stands and bites her lip like a fool, instead of taking what she wants. And she fucking wants to, and now this desire takes on even new shades.

Without taking her eyes off Rose's, the brown-haired girl digs into her pocket, fishing out the key. She turns her back on Rose to close the door. When she returns back, Rose is already holding a towel in her hands, which she covers herself with. Kim notices her roommate standing stiffly and clutching the towel tighter than it should be. Her hands are clenching the fabric in her fists.

The atmosphere has changed. It's Jennie's own fault. It's her fault that Rose is standing there and angry. Jennie feels that she is now holding back this anger, barely controlling herself.

Jennie slowly takes a couple of steps forward. She grabs the edges of the T-shirt and pulls them up. She throws it aside, and then, without taking her eyes off the blonde, reaches for her back, unbuttons her bra and takes the last step, stopping right next to Rose.

-What are you mad at?- Kim holds one hand on the strap of her bra, and puts the other on the girl's cheek. Rose's face changes, now she looks at her in a puzzled way, clearly not understanding what she is talking about.- You don't trust me?

-Should I? You're having fun.- Park shrugs her shoulders.

Jennie is offended by these words. What exactly is she having fun with? Of course, she does and says what she wants, but isn't the point in wanting? Then how can this be a joke? A lump rises in her throat.

-I don't like it.- Jennie hears her voice tremble, she removes her hand from Rose's face and looks away. Damn, she's standing almost braless. What an appropriate dialogue! It's a great time to chat.

-I have a girlfriend.- Roseanne says softly, hugging Jennie and pressing her cheek against her cheek.

-I don't claim her place.- Jennie answers immediately. She would like to know all the reasons for the barrier that was built: the wall that Rose created would not even be destroyed by sex. Maybe something else is needed here. Convince her of something.- I don't pretend to be a leader. You're going to conquer the camp there. I don't know why, but if that's what you need, then I don't mind. You can even do it at my expense if you need to please Sana. I also don't understand why, but again... if you need it.

-Why?- Rose pulls away, looking into the girl's eyes.

-What do you mean? You offend me with some behavior, and there are several options. Either we communicate normally, or we will fight or ignore each other. I have the right to choose. I chose the first option. I almost chose the second or third one, but fuck, you kissed me, and I went back to the first one.

A smile appears on Rose's face:

-I'm sorry for what I said to you. I chose to admire you from a distance and ignore you when you're around.

-I suggest you admire me when I'm around, and ignore me from a distance. Wait... Do I admire you?

-Oh.... - Rose rolls her eyes.- Stop it. I chose the wrong word.

-I like that word.- Kim laughs.- I like it. Thank you for your honesty. I appreciate it.

-Is there going to be sex? You started it.

-That's what you tell your girlfriend.- Jennie says and gives the blonde a quick kiss before she responds.

There is a knock on the door.

-Park, we're going to practice. We'll be waiting for you downstairs for a minute.

-Damn it.- Rose sighs, but continues to hug Jennie.- I promised to go to them to go together.

-I'm participating too, it's a punishment.

-Are you the main defender?

-Yes, we will be good partners. It's certainly not sex, but I can't wait. You play well.

-And you?

-I've been playing for a long time, but I was irreplaceable in the school team as a libero.- Jennie hugs Rose tighter, kissing her on the cheek.

-We have to go. I need to get dressed.- Park runs her thumb over Jennie's cheek, gives her a quick kiss on the lips, and then walks away.

Kim watches as the girl gets dressed. She wants to come over and do to her what she would have done already. Well... Rose would have done anything. But she definitely wants to touch the blonde. Not everywhere... Probably. Anyway, she wants to touch her now, not go somewhere.

Jennie wonders how she does it? A helpful quiet girl with her mom, Sana and her friends. A silent, indifferent, detached, aggressive bitch with Jennie and her friends.

It turned out that there is a third option.

Not only did Park smile kinder when she was in the room with Jennie. She's done it more often in the last ten minutes than she has in a few days. In fact, Jennie can't remember a kind smile addressed to her personally at all. Plus, the intonation. The voice and tone changed. Either Rose has a split personality disorder, or she's a fucking actress.

Jennie feels that there is a fourth option. Rose will demonstrate it soon, and something tells me that Jennie has chosen the right side. Although she's not afraid of bitchy girls. She saw different ones. But... Rose will probably surprise her...

Anyway, Kim is happy with what she got. Although it seems that one Rose was evicted from her room and another was moved in. She wants both of them. Rose can definitely be cute. Jennie's ego is also amused by the fact that she is like this only with her. Even if it's ten minutes. Even if not so much is included in the package. And in general, it looks more like a short-term action.

Jennie, like a fool, does not take her eyes off her roommate, who is still gathering and chirping something under her breath. Maybe in this set, in addition to tones and smiles, there are also hugs, kisses and cute words? No, it's definitely unlikely.

The blonde quickly walks up to Jennie and kisses her on the cheek:

-See you later, baby.

She leaves, and Jennie remains sitting on the bed with her eyes wide open and staring in front of her.

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