Chapter 4

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Mavis's POV

I woke up sometime early in the morning. I'm used to getting up early because of the military service. Even if I am visiting my grandma, I still cannot simply sleep in. Sadly I cannot go out of the house, so I searched through the kitchen to find things to make us breakfast. I know I will get hurt in this mission one day or another. Especially after we are mated and marked. I might not be able to do this mission at all. But its for my grandma. If everything goes well then our witch council could give me the money for my grandma's treatment and pay off the other bills.

But that has to wait. I need him to trust me enough with things. As long as he doesn't know I'm a witch and just a simple town girl, thing should go well for me.

"What are you cooking?" Dorian spoke which made me jump a bit by the sudden noise.


"I know but what exactly?"

"Can't you smell?"

"Can't you speak?"

I took a deep breath and said.

"Eggs. There is nothing else to cook."

He got out of the bed and walked the latter down to meet me in the kitchen. We ate our food in silence.

"What am I supposed to do in this house?"

"What do you mean, darling?"

"Like what if you are out of the house. I can't keep staring at a wall all day."

"I told you that you cannot go outside. I...I don't trust you enough."

"I know." I wanted to say something more but he interrupted me.

"I'll get you some books. I hope you can read and like to." I'm a witch, of course I can read.

"That sounds good."

After we cleaned up, he left the house. I genuinely had no idea what to do in this rather small cabin. I have no clue for how long he will be away. I had plenty of questions I wanted to ask him. I suppose they will wait. I decided to force myself to take a nap on the couch. I don't know for how long I was sleeping for.

"Why didn't you wake me up, when you got here?" I asked him when some sounds in the room woke me up.

"I don't think it would be nice of me to disturb your sleep."

I peaked where he was. On the table Dorian placed a couple of books down. I almost wanted to question how he was able to walk in the town without being noticed but then I remembered that no one had seen his human form. Then the man walked up to the couch and sat down opposite of me.

"What?" I finally asked.

"You have questions I believe." He was right, I did.

I thought for a minute from where to begin.

"So you are that monster?"


"Why do you do it then?"

"Its not simple to answer that."

"Why so?"

"Let's just say it just happens and I cannot control my wolf."

Honestly I don't know what I was expecting him to answer but if that is really true then it is also very sad.

"Is there a way to help you?"

"I don't know."

Its getting complicated. The silence that followed killed. Its sad to hear it but even though I am a witch I don't think there is a spell to help him. If this curse was done by deities in the sky, then I am of no help.

"Where do you work?" I needed to change the topic quickly.

"I work as a blacksmith apprentice."

"apprentice only?"

"Well yes because I can't simply have the same job for so many years, I even have to move places as well."

"Sorry. I'm dumb village girl."

"You're not dumb, the thought just didn't occur in your head at the moment."


Seriously I'm dumb or something. I buried my face in my hands in frustration. Dorian got up and left the house. I resumed reading one of the books. I heard the wood being cut down and decided to see it with my own eyes. Thankfully the door was open. I walked around the house to the back of it to see the werewolf working on chopping the wood. His muscles flexed while doing the work, not going to lie I was staring at them. My mate is totally ripped. I decided to go and help him. While he cut down the pieces of wood, I would bring it to him whenever he was done with one. That helped me have a different activity than the ones I was able to do at the cabin. Besides I was outside which was a nice plus.

"Alright. Why are you so nice to me now?" He stopped working when I gave him another log to chop down.

"Maybe the mate bond is working and I will either way be stuck with you here, so why not?"


Dorian finished the last wood piece and then he decided that we should go and take a swim. We took turns, not looking at each other being naked. We're still not in that stage of the relationship. Then we returned to the cabin and started to prepare dinner together. I hope he isn't very suspicious of my actions. I could blow my cover quickly. As long as he doesn't know I am a witch, everything should go smoothly. I might wait until we mark and mate, then I could drug him and get the other here to teleport him to the base camp. I might regret this choice but I need the money for my grandma. They might use my grandma in order to get to me if I betray them. I hope she will be alive until I will be able to see her. Because right now that is not possible.

Going to sleep was a bit easier than before. In the morning I was surprised to see Dorian still very much sleeping on the other side of the bed. I guess he doesn't have work today. Slowly I made my way of the bed and downstairs to go to the kitchen to start making us breakfast. We don't have much options to make with. So eggs it was. I hope later he will buy more different food because I won't be able to survive without more variety. And I doubt that money is tight for him.

While cutting down some tomatoes I felt someone press his front on my back and wrap arms around my waist. I slightly jumped but the sparks that followed made me know it was him and no one else.

"Don't you dare scare me like that! I could have injured you!"

"I'm a werewolf, this knife would have done barely any damage. I have fast healing."

He didn't move from there and buried his nose in the crook of my neck. It tickled a bit but I managed to stay focused to cut down the rest of the tomatoes. Dorian helped me cook the eggs and we sat down to eat our breakfast.

"Can we go pick some mushrooms and other forest goods?"


Good, I will be out of the house at least for a few hours. Of course he had to come with me to make sure I don't run away and so that he could carry a few of the baskets. Which was exactly what happened. We talked a little bit which was nice. The werewolf did not complain at all. I suppose he allowed this to make me happy. Although I wish to be learning new spells and training combat, I can't do that unfortunately. I hope this mission will end quick enough. I'm not made to be a housewife. I'm a warrior. That's my call. At least hunting would sound nice but I'm playing a character that is a simple town girl, who likely has no want or skill in the fighting and combat sense. But I'm a spy anyway, so this isn't my first time playing a human girl, this character I had played a few times before for a couple of missions. That's what I am good at. What is why I'm being recruited for such missions and being trusted to do them wel, even this one.

My people are lucky to have me as I am his mate, meaning it is easier to capture him. All I need to make sure is to earn his trust and then everything will be finished. If the whole capturing and torturing thing will go well, I might an extra money price for my effort and that might be enough to fully pay off the other bills. That's why I'm doing this. I don't care about him. Though the mate bond surely does things to me. If we will be bonded then it might be the worst thing that will happen to me. And everything might go to waste. 

Her monster, his saviorUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum