Chapter 6

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Dorian's POV

Slowly my eyes opened. I was in an unfamiliar place. But tis surely looked like a prison cell. One of the guards who was standing in front of me noticed me being awake and told the other guard to tell someone about me being awake. I was confused why I was here. Where is Mavis? Where is my mate? I looked closer to the guard. His back was facing me and a chill ran down my spine then I saw the marking, the triple moon tattoo on his back. I was in the witch territory, military base I suppose. This is really bad. Was my mate helping them? I don't want to believe that. But the last thing I remember before sleeping was her offering me tea and I drinking it. Is she a witch too? I don't want to believe that she is.

Soon I heard footsteps and a group of witches came in.

"Hello, wolf. I'm the general here." A man spoke. The other two who came in got a table and set it up with metal, likely silver blades and other needed things for their spells. They are going to torture me. I couldn't move since I was being held by shackles on my wrist that had silver and spells surrounding them. Within a minute or two more footsteps were heard in the distance. By the smell I knew my mate was coming too. I saw her, she was wearing the uniform of the other military witches. She didn't meet my eyes. She was looking down. They placed a chair opposite to where I was. my mate turned and walked to the chair. I saw the triple moon on her back, she was a witch and in the military. My heart broke into many pieces. She betrayed me. Likely she knew of this from the beginning. It was all a mission. But we were marked and mated to which they can use my mate in order to hurt me. I didn't like this at all.

She sat down, still not looking me in the eyes. One of the soldier's picked up a knife and walked closer to her. She was murmuring something, likely a spell. Then the soldier quickly darted the knife right at her stomach. I felt the sharp pain go through me, I crouched down. More sharp pain was coming to me. The general lowered himself and took my face to his hands, so that I would look at him. He smiled and stared to question me.

"Who are you?"

Another blow was made into my mate and I felt it.

"Why are you killing everyone?"

Each question would end or start with a weapon being used on my mate. I didn't know if she felt the pain of the blades or not, if she even felt the mate bond. I couldn't look at her since the general was blocking my view. I couldn't answer since the pain made it hard to focus on anything. After I don't even know how long of torturing, the pain stopped, kind of. She was no longer getting hurt and I was finally able to speak, but I didn't want to tell them anything. She knew some things, so why not ask her then?

"What the hell do you want to know?" I spoke lowly.

"Who are you? Your name and species." The general said.

"Dorian Foster. Werewolf."

"I don't believe you are a simple werewolf. What's your rank?"

"Alpha blood. No pack."

"See. That's better. No simple wolf would just have such strength as yours." Then he continued.

"But why are you killing everyone?"

"I can't control it."

"I don't believe you." A sharp pain went through my right arm.

I was feeling dizzy. So it was hard to hear the questions or think rationally. Thankfully my wolf hasn't gotten into the killer stage at least. If I somehow hurt my mate, I will never forgive myself for that. But she betrayed me, she always was a witch and will go by the witch laws, besides she is part of the army and its just a mission for her. But we are bonded together, so she can't run away from me. Severing or removing the bond would not only hurt me but her, no spell could help her then. I don't know if they would go such measures though. I hope not.

The torturing ended. My mate and the others walked out. She still didn't even look at me, always facing the ground. She did though had some tears streaming down her face. I was able to notice that but I don't if it the torturing hurt her too or was it just the fact that I was the one getting hurt. I doubt she loves me... she won't be able to return the feelings I had for her. The moon goddess blessed me with a mate finally and that mate is a witch that would not return the feelings due to her job and species. If only I wasn't cursed. Perhaps we would have been able to live normally. I doubt the witch army will let me be alive. I don't know if it is even possible to kill me.

I fell asleep. But it was disturbed because a soldier came in to give me some food and water. Thankfully my shackles were made longer, so I was able to eat. But then sleep took over again. I was later awaken by cold water being dunked onto me. The table and the chair was set up again. My mate and another soldier came in a minute later. The same process was done. But tis time not only was my mate being stabbed, I was also being stabbed and what not. My wolf's helping is going to take at least a few days than usual to help all of this, if the shackles weren't with silver that is. Similar questions like what am I doing and why am I killing were asked, I told them that I do not control that. The general gotten more mad st my answer each time. I didn't have a proper answer to those questions since I didn't know much myself.

This time the torture was not for that long and they left me afterwards. I got my breakfast actually which I knew it was the next day. My body hurt from all the cuts and punches I had received yesterday. My wolf wasn't speaking to me at all. I didn't like that but at least I have yet to go into the state. I have to remain myself here or else they will surely kill me without a second thought. I wonder what my little witch mate is doing right now. But honestly it was smart of them for using a mate of mine to capture me. They were lucky that the mate is one of them. I can't help but not be angry at Mavis for this. I don't know exactly why she is doing this but I hope she does a have a good reason and might help me get out of here. Well at last I want her to be happy and safe, even if that means that I am not in that life with her.

I haven't been to a prison in a long time. Well really after I resided in the woods, I have been somewhat safe. That is until she came into my life. Why did the moon goddess paired us up? Why now? Its been years and no mate. My early life was complicated. Shifting has been a nightmare for me, I never know if my wolf would get into the killer state of not. Thankfully more recently it has been calm, perhaps having a mate has done that. I don't know for sure.

Strangely enough today has gone by and I just had my dinner served and no torturing or questioning was done. Perhaps they need me to heal a bit. But I am worried what they are planning to do next. This nice quiet time is not helping me think of the worst. My life has been awful and I cannot imagine how worse can it be with my mate being in the picture. The guards would change every meal time. But they didn't speak to me nor did I.

Since I got slightly stronger sleep wasn't taking me. The cell was dark. Though some candles were lit up for the guards to be able to see. I didn't need them since my werewolf eyes were good in the dark. Because I wasn't seeping my mind was trying to think of ways to get out of here. But I couldn't even think about that since my thoughts were occupied by a particular blond witch that had me wrapped around her finger. But a question was circling in my mind as well, the one I had no idea for a good answer to. Did it even hurt her?

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