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Knock knock knock

Modestus Gaunt opened the door and almost slammed it back shut immediately when he saw who was on the other side. "What in Merlin's fucking name are you doing here?!"

Marvolo ignored him and took a step inside as his condescending eyes scanned the small, shabby hut that his brother-in-law seemed to have found. "I came for my wife," he replied simply. "Although it seems you have been unable to care for yourself, let alone your sister. Where on earth did you find this place, anyway?"

"That's none of your concern," Modestus replied.

"And next to a small village as well. It seems you'll have fun torturing Little Hangleton."

Modestus slammed the shack door. "Do you have no shame?" he snapped. "Do you have any idea what you have done? Not only did you kill my wife–"

"She was my sister before she was ever your wife."

"You destroyed the Gaunt family name. Don't act innocently, everyone knows it was you who killed Atticus. But because you killed him, every single galleon the Gaunts had is now gone."

This did not seem to surprise Marvolo as he continued to look around the house. The thatched roof needed to be fixed, and the place desperately needed to be dusted and cleaned, but overall he felt like it wasn't in that bad of shape considering it had once been abandoned in the woods.

As Marvolo looked, Modestus got a better look at the man. He was pale, thin, almost looking more like an Inferi than a man the way his skin seemed to drape over his bones. But the worst and most striking part of him was his eyes. They were no longer the Gaunt silver as they had been before. They were now red and bloodshot, and dark hooded as they sat in his skull.

His anger and rage had consumed Marvolo, but Modestus still kept his cool composure. "Do you not seem to care?"

"Oh, I most certainly do care." Marvolo finally directed his attention to Modestus and calmly walked up to him. "But the money isn't gone. I know exactly where it went."

"It's in the hands of the Ministry."

Marvolo nodded. "Some of it, yes. But I also know that you kept some of it for yourself by lying."

Modestus scoffed. "Of course I did."

"I also know," Marvolo went on, his voice becoming dark and dangerous. "That my filthy defect of a brother got a pretty payout as well. I wonder if you know how that happened."

Modestus' face turned hard as she stared back at Marvolo. "How should I know? He's your brother."

Marvolo's dark eyes bore into his cousins' in a strong and silent challenge. When Modestus didn't back down, Marvolo hummed before he began walking towards the door again.

"You need to keep better care of your belongings, Modestus."

Before the man could respond, a wand was raised up to his chest.

"Avada Kedavra."

Everything went limp as Modestus Gaunt fell to the floor as if someone had cut the invisible strings holding him up.

Marvolo approached the body, gently kicking it to make sure that his cousin was dead before we went to the small concealed chest in the corner. He pulled it out from underneath some pots and pans and opened it to reveal it full of gold galleons.


He then went to the small desk next to the stone fireplace and found letters containing his wifes' handwriting. From doing a quick scan of the contents, he could tell she was up further north in Scotland. Hiding from him.

Marvolo grabbed a handful of galleons, shoved them into his pockets, and left the empty shack.

He would find her. All the money he had acquired from his now dead relatives lined his pockets nicely, and the sooner Marvolo found his wife, then the sooner he could rebuild his empire.

He would rebuild the Gaunts. He would make the name stronger and more feared than ever before.

And then he would go after that pathetic defect and his whore mudblood bitch. He would find them and torture them within an inch of their lives. Marvolo wanted to hear them beg for mercy. He wanted to hear what sweet sounds that girl could make when she fought for her true love to live. He wanted to hear what cruel sounds he could elicit from his blind brothers' soul.

And only then would he give them the satisfaction of death.


A/N: That's a wrap! Stay tuned for more announcements! 

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