Chapter Eight : Siblings

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Sebastian approached the small cottage in Feldcroft hesitantly. He stopped abruptly when he saw the fresh mound of dirt on the side of the house and the cheap stone headstone on top of it. He felt his stomach drop to his feet when he saw the name engraved and a new wave of guilt and shame washed over him.

He could still feel the stuffy air in the catacombs, and he still felt how the green sparks had barely missed his ear.

"You must stop this, Sebastian!"

Solomon's harsh words echoed in his ears.

"I won't let her suffer!" Sebastian had screamed back as his own green sparks ignited from his wand. "AVADA KEDAVRA!"

It was his fault. He was trying to protect himself. He was trying to protect Anne. He had been angry and fed up and instead he....

The front door opened, and Sebastian found himself face to face with Anne. Her face looked hollow and pale, her eyes red like she had been crying again. She had dark circles under her eyes, and her body looked so frail.

Anne terrified Sebastian. She almost looked like a walking corpse, and Sebastian felt like if he took his eyes away for just a second then she would actually disappear into the wind.

For a moment, they just stared at each other. Sebastian had been worried Anne would yell at him some more, but now he was wishing she would.

Anne sighed. "Sebastian—"

"Please, Anne," he said urgently, taking a step forward. "Can we just... Can I talk to you? Please?"

Anne didn't say anything. She just stood there watching him.

"I'm sorry." He tried taking a deep breath, but it felt painful. "I am so, so sorry! I didn't mean it! I was just trying to—"


"No, please let me finish." Sebastian had never felt more afraid. "You are all I have left. And if I lose you then there's no reason for me to live. You can turn me in if you want but please—"

"Would you please get inside before the neighbors see you?" Anne snapped, opening the door wider for her brother. "You're embarrassing yourself."

Sebastian stood frozen in place. Then, the realization dawned on him and he was running inside, silently hoping no one saw him begging outside his own house.

Anne closed the door loudly before she spoke again. "I'm not turning you in."

Her brother turned to face her with a look of shock. "You're not? Why?"

"Because you're right." Anne looked up, her gaze meeting his. "Solomon was leaving. And I wasn't going with him."

Anne walked over to their dining table and picked up a piece of parchment, handing it to Sebastian before she sat down gingerly in the chair. Sebastian took it from her and carefully read it over, getting angrier at each word written.

'Dear Solomon,
I had no idea that the goblin problem in Feldcroft was so dire. I'm so sorry to hear of the loss of your niece and nephew. I know you cared for them deeply, and my heart aches for you. They were so young, and to die so tragically is a horrible pain.Here is the ticket to London you requested. I'll be waiting at the station for your arrival. Be safe.

Sebastian wanted to take the letter and throw it into the fire as he felt his rage rising again inside. That bastard! That lying, selfish—

"Why do you always have to be right?"

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