Chapter Forty-One: Observation

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"Do you ever wish you could see?"

Ominis hummed as he thought over Sabrina's question. The pair were on their way back to Hogsmeade after helping Mr. J. Pippin with a potion delivery, and along the way the two had taken advantage of the beautiful spring day by going back and forth asking each other a hundred questions.

He was also taking advantage of Sabrina's arm wrapped around his as she guided him. Smelling the wildflowers along with feeling the soft breeze and her soft touch through his shirt made Ominis wonder what on earth he did to deserve such a treat.

"I've never really thought about it," Ominis replied finally. "I suppose I just got so used to not having sight that I never considered what it would be to have it."

"But aren't there things you wish you could see?" Sabrina asked, continuing her line of questioning.

He shrugged. "I guess it would be nice to see what Sebastian and you look like. And I've always wondered if the Hogwarts castle looked as grand and magnificent as people explain it to be."

"So... you have thought about it?"

"Only in short passing thoughts," Ominis explained. "I never dwelt on it."

Sabrina hummed back in response as she contemplated about his answer.

"I've also been told when you get angry then you get a cute little scowl on your face, so I suppose that must be fun to witness."

Sabrina scoffed. "I do not scowl!"

"Not according to Sebastian," Ominis teased. "He said it reminds him of a small innocent kitten who gets angry when people come near it."

"Oh, he wants to compare me to a kitten? Maybe Professor Weasley can teach me to turn him into a cat. He won't be laughing much after that!"

The pair began laughing at the ridiculous idea of Sebastian with long cat ears and a tail angrily hissing at them.

Then, Sabrina became serious again. "Alright, if you had the opportunity to see only one thing, what would you want to see?"

Ominis stopped himself from answering right away. His answer was something simple and yet profound, but how on earth would he be able to explain it in a way that didn't immediately make him confess how he truly felt?

"That's a rather difficult choice," he said instead. "Perhaps one that requires more thought."

In actuality, he didn't need more time to think.

He wanted to see her.

Ominis recoiled when Nurse Blainey shone the bright light from her wand into his eyes. "Is this necessary?" he complained.

The Irish nurse looked at him and pursed her lips. "Yes, Mister Gaunt, this is necessary," she explained in a harsh tone. "In order for me to see how well your eyes are, I have to do this."

Oh, so this is how people look when they're annoyed, Ominis thought when the light came back to his left eye.

It had taken his friends quite a long time to get him out of the Undercroft and up to the Hospital Wing. When Ominis realized what exactly had happened to him, it had completely overwhelmed him. He had been so shaken and startled that he could hardly move let alone walk.

Or maybe it was his newfound 'depth perception' as Sebastian had explained that had made it hard for Ominis to stand.

Looking up was hard, but so was looking down. Everywhere Ominis' eyes went it made him dizzy and unfocused. He finally had to close his eyes and put himself into darkness just so that Sebastian could save himself from dragging Ominis down the corridors.

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