Chapter Forty-Five : Raising Hell

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TW: mentions of religious abuse. Also... anti-Catholic? I'm not sure what to call it.


"Wicked witch!"

Sabrina barely had time to cover her face before she felt the rocks being pelted at her. The small group of children were throwing them at her without mercy, causing her to curl into a ball next to the wall in a feeble attempt to wait out the pain. She had nowhere else to go and no time to react, and it brought tears to her as she thought about how weak she was.

"Sorceress!" one of the girls cried.

"Sinner!" another one shouted.




Sabrina carefully uncovered herself when she felt the stones had stopped. The three girls had turned and were now looking sheepishly at Sister Margaret, whose rare face of anger was staring straight back at them.

One of the girls spoke up. "Sister Margaret, we were just following what the Bible said."

"Where in your Bible does it state that seven year old children are to punish and kill other children?" Sister Margaret yelled as she grabbed a small straw broom off the nearby wall.

Another girl responded. "But Sister Mary said she's a witch. And it says in Deuteronomy we are to kill witches."

Sister Margaret turned the girls around. "Well, since you girls are so knowledgeable in your Bible verses all of a sudden, why don't you recount the eighth book of John, verse seven?"

No one said anything.

"Come along! Don't disappoint me now! You knew your information a minute ago! Eighth book of John, verse seven!"

"'So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.'"

Sister Margaret turned to the girl still crouched on the ground and smiled. "Good, Sabrina. And who is speaking in this verse?"

Sabrina swallowed. "Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ."

"Very good." The nun turned towards the other girls, who now had their heads hung in shame. "Now, who shall we believe more? Sister Mary, or Our Lord Jesus Christ?"

The girls responded. "Jesus."

"He would be disappointed in your actions. As am I. Now, don't move."

The three girls that had ganged up on Sabrina stood still and took the quick whips from the straw broom with grace. When Sister Margaret was done, she quickly waved her hand. "Go, shoo! Don't let me see you doing this again!"

As the girls ran off, Sabrina finally stood up and began to look at her arms for signs of bruising or cuts.

Sister Margaret approached her and lifted her face up. "Are you alright?"

Sabrina nodded. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to blow up the laundry basket."

The nun chuckled. "Aye, child. What am I to do with you?"


Anne instantly jumped out of her deep sleep. "I wasn't asleep," she said groggily as she tried to focus her eyes. However, when she finally looked up, she saw that the cause of her broken nap was actually her girlfriend and not the Hogwarts librarian.

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