Chapter Twelve : Helping

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Anne made her way to the Transfiguration classroom, slowing down when she walked inside and saw Professor Weasley talking with a man by her desk. The pair looked up and immediately stopped talking when they saw her. Anne felt her heart start to beat quickly when she recognized the man as the young Auror who came to interrogate her a few days prior.

"Come in, Miss Sallow," Professor Weasely said standing up from her desk.

"I didn't mean to intrude," Anne spoke politely. She immediately began to guard herself, preparing for whatever questions the man had for her.

However, the man turned back to Professor Weasley and cleared his throat. "I appreciate your help, Professor. If I need you, I'll call on you again." Mr. Tudor turned back to Anne and bowed his head to her. "Hello again, Miss Sallow. Please excuse me."

Anne watched as the man then turned and left. She felt her insides calm down a little bit. So he wasn't there for her or Sebastian....

"Miss Sallow, thank you for coming."

The girl turned back to Professor Weasely. "Yes ma'am."

"I'm sure you've heard from Miss Onai already that Miss Lewis spent the night last night in Gryffindor Tower. I wanted to ask you if you knew why she would suddenly decide not to sleep in her own common room."

Anne frowned as she tried to come up with a good enough answer. Unable to come up with anything that sounded believable, she responded as vaguely as she could. "I'm sorry, I don't know."

"I see...." Professor Weasley was obviously unconvinced, but didn't press the matter further. "Well, I also wanted to inform you that Miss Lewis will be out of class for today. Whatever happened has been so upsetting to her, she's left to go home and take a break. I would like you to collect her homework since you share the most classes with her."

"I understand," Anne said as she felt her stomach drop further.

The night before, Poppy had found Anne as they were leaving the Great Hall and quickly told her that something was wrong. When she saw Sabrina, she immediately knew that whatever had been said between her and Ominis had not been good and was causing the girl to completely shut down. Anne had gotten some of Sabrina's clothes and encouraged her to stay with Natty in Gryffindor Tower for the night. She had not expected Sabrina to leave the castle though.

Ominis had yet to come out of his own dorm room. When Anne tried to ask Sebastian about it, he only silently shook his head.

This was bad.

Anne met her brother outside of Charms class. Sebastian had been leaning against the wall, anxiously drumming his fingers but stood when he saw her approach. "Well?"

"Sabrina went back to Upper Hogsfield," she explained. "I've been tasked with collecting her homework for the day."

Sebastian swore to himself and ran a hand through his messy hair. "Fuck! Is she coming back?"

"I...I don't know," Anne replied, suddenly afraid of that possibility. "What about Ominis?"

"He won't talk to me. I don't think he slept at all last night."

"Well fuck," Anne swore with him. "Just wonderful."

The bell rang, indicating classes were starting. The pair walked inside and instantly sat down in their usual spots in the back. Neither one of them focused on what Professor Ronen was lecturing as they were both deep in thought about their two best friends.

Anne could understand why Ominis was upset. Marvolo had taken his fair shots of torment at her and Sebastian when he had been at school, and from what Ominis had said he had gotten a lot worse since leaving Hogwarts. She knew the Gaunts had threatened Ominis, but what exactly had transpired to make Ominis so afraid that he had no other choice but to obey his horrible family?

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