Chapter Twenty-Six : Losing Game

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There had been a lot of times in Ominis' life where he had been scared.

There were two times where he felt terrified, and in both instances it was when he thought he might lose one of the Sallow twins.

However, the moment he thought he was going to lose Sabrina was the first time Ominis felt completely horrified.

It was almost three weeks since her fight with Ranrok, and Sabrina had yet to come out of the Hospital Wing. Nobody really knew if she was severely injured or if she was even awake. Nurse Blainey had prevented anybody from coming in to see the girl, and it just made Ominis worry even more.

He had felt that earthquake underneath the castle. He had heard the crash and the rumble. Ominis thought she had died.

And he would never forgive her if he lost her without saying goodbye.

"She may have fallen first," Sebastian mumbled to him one night at dinner. "But you have definitely fallen harder."

"What did Corvina want?" Sebastian asked when Ominis finally returned to the common room.

Ominis kept his composure. "Just another letter from Father reminding me of my place in the family."

"Are you sure?" He could hear the doubt in Sebastian's voice. "She made it sound important."

Sebastian had known him for a long time, and Ominis knew he could tell when he was lying. Thankfully, Ominis knew how to dodge it.

"Corvina is utterly afraid of me. She is young and believes what the Gaunts say about me. It's nothing more than that."

He waited for Sebastian to argue, but he didn't. Finally, Ominis made his way back to their bedroom, determined to go promptly to sleep and forget all about this horrible day. Maybe if he went to sleep, he would find all of this was just a big nightmare.

However, when Ominis opened the door to their bedroom, he found that the nightmare was just beginning.

He knew that cold aura anywhere. "Hello, brother."

Marvolo chuckled from somewhere near Ominis' bed. "Oh, come, brother. Be a little happy to see me at least."

Ominis closed the bedroom door. "Give me my eyesight and maybe I will be."

Marvolo chuckled. "I trust you got the news. Congratulations on your official engagement."

"Now, we know you didn't need to come all the way down here to tell me that. Why are you here?"

He heard as Marvolo got up from the bed and began walking towards him. "Do you truly think so little of me?"

"Do you want an honest answer?"

Marvolo was close now. He could almost feel him on his neck. "Father asked me to come and make sure you got the news. It's not that he doesn't trust our sister, but she is rather young and naive. And she tends to be a bit... disobedient. Much like you."

This made Ominis chuckle. "Well, she didn't learn it from me if that's what you're wondering." 

He felt Marvolo's coldness close to his ears, and Ominis fought to stay still and not immediately bash his face in. "Tell me, brother... are you staying away from the Mudblood like we told you to?"

Ominis turned in the direction of his brother's voice. He gripped his wand tightly to keep his emotions in check, even though he felt like his blood was boiling. "I have stayed away as you requested. If you must know, Miss Lewis won't even come near me since the last time you came to visit. You have thoroughly frightened her from me, so you don't have to worry about her interrupting the engagement."

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