Chapter Twenty-Two: Sebastian Thomas

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"The poor things. I can't imagine the pain they must be feeling."

"They're still young enough. I'm sure they'll be fine."

Sebastian fought the urge to tell that lady that he was not, in fact, going to be fine.

How could he be? Not many twelve-year-olds had to sit and watch his parents die. Not many twelve-year-olds had to live with the horrifying truth that he could have done more and yet he had been too cowardly, too afraid, to do anything to help.

Except maybe Anne. At least she was crying openly. Sebastian was using every ounce of strength he had in him to not cry. He had to be strong for her. He had to protect her. He promised his father he would. He was the man of the house now.

"Solomon, you are the only family they have left."

The twins had never met this man before. He looked like their father if he had been sad, drunk, and fat. And he had a scowl on his face that never seemed to leave. Sebastian wondered if his face was permanently stuck like that or if he was ever capable of smiling.

Solomon grunted at the Ministry official. "Is that a request or a demand?"

The man in the top hat sighed. "You just lost your job at the Auror office. Do you really want them to look badly on you for abandoning your own brothers' children?"

"Like you said, I just lost my job. Why should I care what they think of me?"


"I didn't ask for this!"

"And you think they did?!"

The two adults seemed to finally notice that the children had been standing nearby, listening to their conversation. Anne looked numb. Sebastian felt angry.

"Fine," Solomon spat.

He woke up to screams in the middle of the night.

Anne turned around in the bed she shared with the boys, her eyes wide with worry as she sat up. "Do you smell smoke?"

Sebastian sat up as Anne was standing up. She rushed to the window, throwing back the curtains as faint light trickled in. He felt Ominis shift uncomfortably next to him.

"Close that damn window, girl!" Solomon's gruff voice yelled from his own bed.

"It's the old Morganach place." Anne turned from the window and quickly threw a skirt over her nightgown before she reached for some slippers. "There's screaming! We have to go help!"

"Anne, what are you doing?" Just as soon as Sebastian rose to his feet, Anne was running out the door. "Anne, wait! ANNE!"

"What's going on?" Ominis asked groggily.

"Foolish child!" Solomon looked at Sebastian. "Don't just fucking stand there! Go get her!"

Sebastian was already throwing on his own shoes. He rushed out the front door and ran after her. He couldn't help but swear at his sister as he ran down the stone stairs to where the ruins of the old Morganach house stood. She was always so reckless! Why did she have to care so fucking much?!

He could see Anne rush towards the fire as he reached the top of the hill. As Anne ran forward, many armored goblins were running in the opposite direction to get away from the smoke and flames as it rose out of control. He could see Anne checking in on some of the goblins, trying to make sure they were alright as they ran away.

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