Chapter Fourteen : Wise Men Say

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~Wise men say only fools rush in~

"This, this is Christ the King
Whom shepherds guard and angels sing.
Haste, haste to bring him laud
The babe the son of Mary."

Ominis had heard many voices in his life, but he was convinced that none were as beautiful or as soothing as the one belonging to Sabrina Pryor.

He wasn't even sure what prompted him to ask her what her favorite Christmas song was. He was glad it was one he sort of was familiar with, but he still had not expected such an angelic song to leave her as his fingers graced lightly over the piano keys. Ominis had hardly even noticed when he had stopped playing, and instead focused on listening to her calm breathing nearby.

How close was she in relation to him? Fairly close from what he could guess by their shoulders touching. Ominis leaned down carefully and could feel her cool breath on his face. He could hear her heart beating wildly, much like he was sure his own was. If he moved just a little bit closer.....

There had been many times that Ominis had fantasized about kissing Sabrina. He had never kissed a girl before, but he was sure that she was the sweetest in the world. Were her lips just as hot as her body felt, or were they cool and soft enough to calm the rising flame in his chest? Would she gasp in nerves or excitement, or freeze in surprise? Would she accept it willingly, or would she pull away at the last second and embarrass them both?


Would she even love him back?

The fear of rejection overcame him, and Ominis pulled away in regret. "Your voice is beautiful."

"Are you sure it's him?"

"Absolutely sure," Sabrina told Anne, explaining in great detail over morning tea the time she had with Mr. Tudor the day before. "I've seen lots of pictures of him. Mr. Tudor is definitely my father."

"But then why didn't he just say it?" Anne asked as she tore apart a scone. "Why didn't you say it?"

Sabrina took a piece of bread and thoughtfully tore a piece off. "Well... he seemed very adamant to not say anything. I didn't want to embarrass him by saying 'oh well I know you're lying'. If, however, I do see him again I very well might. Besides," she smiled playfully. "It was sort of fun to play along. He was very flustered and oblivious."

Anne grinned. "Well, I'm so happy to see you in better spirits."

However, as soon as those words left her mouth, Sabrina looked up and saw Ominis and Sebastian walk into the Great Hall. She took a deep breath and looked away, feeling her insides begin to shake at just the sight of him. How could Ominis possibly look that alright when she felt like she was going to fall apart? She thought she would be okay to come back to school, but evidently this wasn't going to be as easy as she thought.

A minute later, Sebastian joined the girls. "I'm glad to see you're back," he told Sabrina. "Do you feel better?"

Sabrina shrugged. "Sure."

"I'm surprised Ominis is out," Anne told Sebastian.

"What do you mean?" Sabrina looked at her.

Anne frowned. "He didn't come out of the common room at all yesterday."

"Why not?"

"Because he's heartbroken."

Sabrina looked over at Sebastian in disbelief and scoffed. "I find that very hard to believe."

Yearning | Hogwarts LegacyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora