Chapter Forty-Seven: Changes

Start from the beginning


"Lewis! Hey, Sabrina!"

The hands weren't letting her go. The darkness was closing in.


"Move, Sallow!"

She felt a sharp pain whip across her face, finally allowing her to wake up and open her eyes. Standing above her stood Imelda and the rest of the Slytherin sixth year girls, all looking at her with deep looks of worry and concern.

Anne stood frozen and pale before she tried reaching out. "Sabrina–"

Sabrina was shaking. The images were still as vibrant as they had been a moment ago, and her mind wouldn't stop shouting the horrible things that had been said. She didn't give her classmates time to ask any questions before she was pushing Imelda off of her. The looks from the girls and darkness from the burned out fireplace was suffocating, and her heart was beating so harshly against her chest she felt she had no choice but to run.

So she ran out of the dorm room and out of the Slytherin Common Room and into the darkness of the castle.

Sabrina wound up in the Room of Requirement, but her mind wouldn't allow her to fall asleep. How could she when all she saw behind her eyelids was the scene replaying over and over again in her mind?

Her mother and father turning their backs on her. Anne and Sebastian ignoring her completely. And Ominis... he left her. He had made it so clear that he no longer wanted her. THat she was not worth staying for after all.

Why would he want you? Sabrina's mind was screaming at her as tears fell again onto the pillow she was clutching. You are plain and poor and nothing! He deserves better than you! They all do! They don't want you!

Sabrina didn't even hear the door to the Room open until she noticed footsteps rushing towards the bed she was on. She heard the person stop running once they reached the end of the hallway, and then they were walking to her. "Sabrina?"

She buried her face further into the pillow.

A few seconds later, she felt the mattress dip as Ominis lay down beside her. He put a hand on her shoulder and gently squeezed. Sabrina instantly tensed up. "My dear, what happened?"

"Nothing," she sniffled.

"No, don't keep me out like this. I can clearly see–"

"I don't want to talk about it."

Ominis sighed and moved his hands gently down Sabrina's back in an attempt to comfort her. "Did... did I do something? Or Sebastian or Anne?"

Sabrina clutched harder onto the pillow.

"Sabrina, talk to me."

She closed her eyes to try and stop the tears from falling again, but it didn't help and she felt the loneliness and despair wash over her again.

Ominis gently wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her against his chest in a small attempt to protect her. "My dear, please," he begged. "Please, let me help you."

Sabrina sniffled again before she finally found her voice. "You left me."

She felt Ominis stop at her words. "What?"

"In my nightmare. You and Sebastian and Anne and... and my parents.... You all left me." The words were so painful for Sabrina to say, she felt like her chest was going to cave in. "You left me at the orphanage, Ominis, and I couldn't do anything!"

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