CHAPTER 14 (The Playcare, again)

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While walking Poppy started talking again.

"Hey, you'll be okay... we'll be okay."

Poppy said. Then we continued walking with Kissy Missy for a very little while, then we stopped, Kissy bent over and Poppy pulled down some kind of lever that looked like it was made just for her.

"What does that do?"
I asked. Jack and Alysson stood there in silence.

"You'll see."

Poppy said. Then Kissy stood up and an elevator started going up.

"What the-"
Alysson said.

"Listen... I'm not your enemy. But I can't just let you leave."
Poppy said.

Jack asked angrily.

"What's happening down here is bigger than all of us. And I need you... so we can get revenge on those monsters who've tortured you... who've tortured us."
Poppy continued.

Alysson asked.
"They didn't act alone. They're disciples of the original: The Prototype."

Poppy explained. Then the elevator arrived at the top.

"Do the honors?"
Poppy asked while Kissy sat down in a corner of the elevator.

"What honors?"
Jack asked.

"You mean, click that button?"
Alysson asked. I didn't ask or look, I knew what she meant. For some reason I felt a connection with Poppy. So I walked to the big red button that was in a corner of the room and I pressed it. Then I turned around and all the lights of the Playcare came back. It looked beautiful.

Jack and Alysson said at the same time. While they admired the viewing I walked to the elevator and when I was there I called them.

"Jack, Alysson! Come on guys."
I said. Jack and Alysson ran to the elevator and then It started going down.

"The Prototype knows we're coming by now. You try to escape, he'll kill you before you even reach that front door."
Poppy explained.

"How? How does he know where we are?"
Jack asked.

"I don't know."

Poppy replied.

"He's the reason I was trapped in that... god-awful case for so long! You have... no idea the things he's done!"
Poppy explained. Jack, Alysson, and I didn't know what to say so we kept silent.

"Let me help you kill him. Let me help you save everyone. We've ALL seen you, how capable you are."
Poppy explained.

"Y'all were looking at us the entire time?! And you didn't help?!"
Jack asked angrily.

"Calm down Jack."
Alysson said.

"Fine, whatever."
Jack replied.

"You killed Huggy, You killed Mommy, you freed me. You are perfect for this."

Poppy said and then the elevator stopped.

"Cat Nap is coming. He's the final obstacle The Prototype has placed against us. We can't stay here. Keep yourself safe... Ollie will call you."
Poppy said, then we walked out of the elevator and she and Kissy went back up.

"Okay, bye Poppy, bye Kissy."
I said and they just looked at me.
"I don't trust them."
Jack said. Alysson and I ignored him and we started walking. As Poppy said, Ollie called us just a few seconds after we started walking.

"Hey, hey... It's me again."
Ollie said after I answered the call.

"Hey Ollie."
I replied.

"It seems like Poppy explained everything now."
Ollie said.

"Kind of."
I replied.

"Okay. And she turned on the Dome's backup power! Now the plan from here is pretty simple, we need to restore power to the gas production zone. First, go back to the Home Sweet Home building you were just in. You should be able to find a big power cord somewhere around the porch, Grab it and plug it in underneath the statue."
Ollie explained. Then we walked towards the entrance of the Home Sweet Home. There we found the cord and I grabbed it with my grabpack. We walked towards the statue and then I plugged it in.

"Awesome, look at that! Remember that generator you turned on inside Home Sweet Home?"
Ollie said and asked.

"Yeah, what about it?"
I replied and then asked.

"Well that was a backup generator for just that building. And every building should have one! Now you've just taken Home Sweet Home backup power and routed it here."
Ollie explained.

"So I have to do it for every building?"
I ask.

"No no! We're already halfway done! Hmmm, but where to go next... everywhere is pretty dangerous around here. That playhouse especially. Yuck! So... Your best bet is probably the school. Cat Nap usually leaves that place alone. Sending you the key now!"
Ollie explained. Then we grabbed the key and we headed to the school. When we arrived I used the key to open the door and we walked in.

"At least Cat Nap is not gonna bother us here."
Jack said.

"Yeah."Alysson replied. I was still mad at them so I didn't talk to them for a while. Then we walked through some stairs and we continued walking.

Poppy Playtime's Abandoned Factory. (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now