CHAPTER 13 (Home Sweet Home)

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After going in, we walked down some stairs and we saw a not so long hallway so we walked through it until we saw a door. We opened it and walked through it just to find a room full of red smoke.

"What the-"

Jack said surprised.

"Is that the Cat Nap red smoke?"
Alysson asked.

"I'm not sure but we can't risk anything."

I replied.

"So, should we go back?"
Jack asked.

"I don't know..."
I replied and we stood there for a few minutes.

"We have to go through that room."

I finally said.

"But if it is the Cat Nap's red smoke we will pass out!"
Alysson replied.

"No, we will start hallucinating but that's better than nothing."

I replied.

"Okay then, let's go."
Jack said and I nodded, Alysson only followed me. We walked in and just a few seconds after walking in I noticed how the room changed so I grabbed Alysson and Jack's hands and I ran towards the closest door, after that we ran down some stairs and we found a long hallway.
"More hallways?!"
Jack said angrily.

"I think whoever made this place really liked the hallways."
Alysson said.

"Be careful, this all is probably just a hallucination."

I said, still holding their hands.

"We should rest here."
Alysson suggested.

"No, if that smoke was there it means that Cat Nap is very very close."
I replied.
"So what? He is a purple cat, nothing as strong as Mommy, we could defeat him."

Jack said.

"Mommy may have been stronger than him but we don't know exactly how Cat Nap's abilities work."

I replied.

"You got a point I guess."
Jack said.
"Okay, then let's continue."
Alysson said. Jack and I nodded and we started walking through the hallway.

"This place looks old, but I like it."
Alysson said but neither me or Jack replied. We walked until the end of the hallway where we found two paths.

"Oh, where should we go?"
Alysson asked.

"Maybe we should separate."
Jack suggested.

"No way!"

Alysson and I replied.
"Okay okay, jeez."
Jack said.
"Let's go to the left and if we don't find anything we come back and go to the right."
I said.
Alysson and Jack replied. We walked through the little hallway that was at the left and when we got to the end a male voice started talking, or that's what we thought.

"Tragic news this morning. As of 9:45 AM, local authorities report that the body of a young boy has been found on the estate of the late Elliot Ludwig, an esteemed toy maker and originator of the Playtime Company."
The male voice said or explained, whatever. Alysson, Jack, and I stood there hearing at the voice.

"At this time, an identity for the child awaits official confirmation."

The voice continued.

"Found in an upstairs bedroom in a large duffle bag, officers on-scene report that the remains appeared to- (Weird noises) Following recent events, Playtime Co. was asked for any comment regarding the discovery. This is what they had to say, quote: "It's sickening. Elliot Ludwig was a great man, and those who knew him understood that he was not capable of violence, let alone what the others now claim. He had deep love in his heart for the children like this one, making the actions of whoever planted this body all the more sick. We look forward to clearing his good name, both in the public eye and in the eyes of the Law." STAY TUNED FOR MORE. (Static)"
The voice said.

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